hey Andy,
well.. in general, guitar companies are looking for signed players that tour alot and even better.. make videos. looking for an "endorsement deal" prior to those things being in place for you is bascially futile... and the bigger the company, the more difficult it is. Ibanez was cool to me while i was with them.. and cool to me as well even after i wasn't (they gave me two guitars with no obligation after my surgery). i am very happy with Caparison though.. and will be staying with them for a while.. i just love those guitars!
a pet peeve/technical note:
i always get a laugh when i'm looking through CD credits and see, "Joe Guitaristguy is endorsed by BrandX Guitars and Flaming Monkey Amps" or whatever.. fill in the name/gear yourselves, you've all seen this type of credit in a CD. But why is that funny you ask? ... for starters, the guitarist is NOT enorsed by the company... the guitarist endorses the guitars!! that's what companies are looking for with these deals.. the endorsement (i.e. recommendation of confindence) of the artist for their gear. furthermore, the terms Endorsement, Endrosed by, etc... are usally not what companies want to see you putting on your album sleeve if you have a deal with them... they want to see things like, "Billy Badass plays Tigerwang Guitars exclusively" or some such. calling it an "endorsement" in your liner notes just makes it seem like too much of a business deal.