IBM Watson - The Jeopardy Challenge


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
I just saw a commercial for this and thought that some might be interested in this new challenge for the folks at IBM.

Back in 1997 IBM's Deep Blue computer beat chess champion Garry Kasparov at chess, now they are taking on the challenge of Jeopardy and some of it's best players ever.

Watson, named after IBM's founder, Thomas J. Watson, is an artificial intelligence program developed by IBM designed to answer questions posed in natural language. It is being developed as part of the DeepQA research project. The program is in the final stages of completion and will run on a POWER7 system. It is scheduled to compete on the television quiz show Jeopardy! as a test of its abilities; the competition will be aired in three Jeopardy! episodes running from February 14–16, 2011

Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.
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This video is really quite amazing. It describes in detail what Watson is. One little tidbit about it is it is a 3000 core system. Really worth the watch.

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