Iced Earth - Melancholy EP (orig) for sale


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I am selling my copy of the orig press of this EP.
This was limited to 2000 copies.
Mine is actually unnumbered, but has the box where you would put the number.

Supposedly the true promo copies were marked PROMO/1500.

Not sure then what part of the pressing my copy is, as I purchased it used many years ago.

Only looking to sell at this point. Please PM if interested.
Which release is it? The "troo" original (1999) had 5 tracks on it, and all of them were hand-numbered (mine is #859/1500). The re-release (and I *still* don't know why they did this, when the original was meant to be a collector's item) had two bonus tracks, and was not numbered AFAIK.

Could it be that yours was originally numbered, but the number has faded?

EDIT: I just looked on Ebay, and there is one seller who has a picture of his 2001 (the re-release) Melancholy EP, and there is a box where the number would have been on the original release, but it looks like there's a horizontal line through it or something. There doesn't appear to be a number, and the seller doesn't list one. He's charging $200 for it, even though it is definitely not the original.
Sorry, I should have been more specific!!!

This is the 5 track version. I got this before the re-release came out.

It looks just like any numbered version, just that no number was ever filled in!!!!

Per Metal Archives, any promo version had PROMO in the box.

Who knows? Either way, I am sure there are many current IE fans who never got the chance to get this version.

I would GLADLY accept $200 for it, though I personally do not think it is worth THAT much :)
Ok, just pulled out my physical copy last night.

Mine too has the horizontal line where the number would be.
I thought it was just blank.

I dunno, everything else about it appears to indicate it was part of the original pressing, just not numbered. Maybe they made additional non-numbered ones for promo purposes???