Iced Earth


Sep 16, 2002
Harrow, Middx., UK
So what do people think about the new Iced Earth? I know Eagle and Dragonmaiden aren't too keen, but personally, I think Ripper's an improvement. My only real complaint is that his vocals sound too processed. But I think he suits Iced Earth pretty well.
never one to court controversy, me :p

Tet said:
So what do people think about the new Iced Earth? I know Eagle and Dragonmaiden aren't too keen, but personally, I think Ripper's an improvement. My only real complaint is that his vocals sound too processed. But I think he suits Iced Earth pretty well.
With the album not even released yet, do you mean to suggest that people here listen to (possibly illegally) downloaded mp3s :OMG: !

I've heard a couple of tracks on Totalrock (Lizard's and Zed's shows) and I must say that they didn't particularly move me .. but then (1 or two tracks aside), Iced Earth with Matt Barlow didn't move me either. Its not a singer thing, its just that Shaeffer writes such damned boring tunes IMHO. Gimme Euro-style Power Metal bands over USA-Power Metal bands any day.
The album was out today. Picked up a copy and I do like it.

There are some pretty good tunes on here. It's a strong release and I certainly prefer it to Horror Show.

Not sure yet though if it can compare to 'Something Wicked.....'

Chazzy, I have to agree with you too. I generally prefer Euro styled power metal aswell.

But, yes this is a good CD.
chazzyf said:
With the album not even released yet, do you mean to suggest that people here listen to (possibly illegally) downloaded mp3s
Probably, yes. I personally don't, for a number of reasons:

1. The album was released today
2. I believe in supporting the bands I like, so I buy the CDs
3. I rip them to Ogg Vorbis or FLAC anyway, not MP3 :)
Tet said:
Probably, yes. I personally don't, for a number of reasons:

1. The album was released today
2. I believe in supporting the bands I like, so I buy the CDs
That's just me trying to be a smart arse - ooopps :oops: :oops: :oops:

3. I rip them to Ogg Vorbis or FLAC anyway, not MP3 :)
Having spent many a sunday afternoon ripping most of my CDs to mp3, I'm not about to repeat the process - LOL - what's the advantage? Sound quality or filesize or both?
I picked up the album today and i cant see why people have being slating it saying its some of the worst material the band has produced (this has come mostly from the iced earth board and i have come to the conculsion that the people who post on there reguarly dont actually like the band as everytime i go on it there always slagging them off). Anyway back to the point this is a solid album its not the best they have produced that title would have to go to either Something Wicked Or Burnt Offerings. After listening to this album i looking forward to seing them at the fiddler in march now i know that there is life after Barlow.
There's nothing wrong with the music at all. It's a very well written album and there's some excellent tracks on it. However 'TO ME' it just doesn't sound like iced Earth anymore due to the vocals. I suppose some might think I'm being superficial but that's just the way it is. If Matt had sung on it then it would have been a classic. Matt's voice was unique and gave Iced Earth an edge. With Tim it's just another decent album that will be over shadowed by far better releases later in the year.
I was just re-reading a copy of the November 2003 edition of Rock Hard (France) in which Schaffer has the following to say with regard to Matt's performance when he recorded the vocals for 'The Glorious Burden'

I have applied a little 'poetic licence' where I haven't been able to find the exact translation.

Rock Hard: What really happened between Iced Earth and Judas Priest?

Jon Schaffer: Nothing more than what I revealed in my press releases. I wanted to mount a side-project in company with Tim after the recording of The Glorious Burden. We had finished the disk with Matthew and the result was not up to scratch. I went down to Florida to mix the album with Jim Morris and after about 3 days I said "Let's can this. The vocals are too rotten, there's no point in continuing".

To release The Glorious Burden with the voice of Matt would have been the beginning of the end for Iced Earth. And as this disk is the one that I'm the most proud of... During three days Jim Morris did everything: He experimented with all the options available in the software at our disposal to make Matt's voice sound decent ... But it was unrecoverable.

I returned to my home in Indiana, I saw Matt and I said that we must part, that it was out of the question to release the album like that. He was annoyed but I don't know why, since in December we had spoken and he had told me that he wanted to quit the group: I had dissuaded him because we had a new contract and it might have proved to have been a decision that he would regret for the rest of his life. He accepted to stay, down to loyalty and not because he heart told him to do so.

But already, during the recording, I felt that something was not going right with his singing. Several days after the eviction of Matt, my manager - who was up to date on my relations with Tim and with my desire to do a side-project - simply asked me to give him a call: at the time he was still in Judas Priest: it was merely a question of him recording the disc. As a guest. He came to my home to make the album five days later. And 48 hours later, we learnt that Rob was returning to Priest. This agreement was a coincidence, but I'd already seen the signs.
It doesn't sound like the tapes of Matt's performance will ever see the light of day. Sound's odd that Shaeffer thought that they were so bad - maybe Matt had some things weighing on his mind.
chazzyf said:
It doesn't sound like the tapes of Matt's performance will ever see the light of day. Sound's odd that Shaeffer thought that they were so bad - maybe Matt had some things weighing on his mind.

i have to agree that i dont think they shall ever surface unless in a bonus disk on a later release although he does appear on valley forge as for the things on his mind in his offical statement he blamed 9/11 for making him think about where his life was going and he realised that he didnt wanna be a rock star anymore its a shame but if it makes him happy then good luck to him.
chazzyf said:
Having spent many a sunday afternoon ripping most of my CDs to mp3, I'm not about to repeat the process - LOL - what's the advantage? Sound quality or filesize or both?
Either or both. An Ogg Vorbis file will be smaller than an MP3 at the same quality. Or a similarly sized Ogg Vorbis file will be better quality. Take your pick :) But the main advantage to me is freedom. Ogg Vorbis is an open, documented format, and hence has a bright future. MP3 is patented, and its use is restricted. I just don't feel comfortable putting all my music into a format that may not be around in a few years, at the whim of the patent holder (they're already pushing for people to migrate to MP3Pro, which shares little other than the name). But I'm considering going back and reripping my collection into FLAC, which unlike Ogg Vorbis and MP3 is a lossless format, so it really is CD quality -- at the expense of being significantly larger, but storage is cheap...
Eagle said:
However 'TO ME' it just doesn't sound like iced Earth anymore due to the vocals. I suppose some might think I'm being superficial but that's just the way it is. If Matt had sung on it then it would have been a classic. Matt's voice was unique and gave Iced Earth an edge.
I'll agree that Matt's voice was unique. But I always felt that it let them down, rather than gave them an edge. Naturally, there were some exceptions to this, but I thought Matt's vocals were the weakest part of Iced Earth. Just MHO.
I personally am a massive IE fan but i havent managed to hear the whole album yet, money being a key factor in that although i do have the Reckoning EP so i have heard the ripper and although its good i agree with eagle that Matt was a massive part of IE and without him it just doesnt feel right, no matter how good it is you know that it should be Matt Barlows singing. I would disagree aswell that Matts singing was a down point, hes got an altime classic metal voice in my opinion and Tim Owens is just a little lackluster in comparison... I also saw the video for 'When The Eagle Cries' and that was laughable... it was just cheesy and really patriotic... but hey, if Jon is so passionate let him be...
Matt was a phenomenal singer however i think that its not just rippers vocals that let this album down, to me it seems overworked and is missing a lot of the feeling of earlier iced earth releases - even those releases without barlow.