ICS Vortex Solo CD, OMFG!!!!!!!!!!

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I predict this to be of epic proportions!!!!!!!!


Former DIMMU BORGIR bassist/clean vocalist I.C.S. Vortex (real name: Simen Hestnæs) has completed work on his debut solo album. Entitled "Storm Seeker", it contains 11 tracks and 45 minutes of "groovy hooks and signature clean vocals," according to the musician. "Brewed in a dirty metal pot, ingrediens included are stoner rock mashed with black metal, '70s prog-spiked pagan and alternative roots fried Norwegian style. Some of the song titles are 'Skoal!', 'Dogsmacked', 'Oil in Water' and 'Odin's Tree'."

He added, "It's been a year of sporadic work at Toproom Studio with engineer Børge Finstad. My good old teammate from BORKNAGAR, Asgeir Mickelson (SARKE, SPIRAL ARCHITECT), handles the drums, and Terje 'Cyrus' Andersen (SUSPERIA, DIMMU BORGIR) added some solos. Mix was done by Børge, Asgeir and me. A record deal is in the works and we're looking at a release in good time before summer 2011.

"The solo project has pretty much evolved into a band, and on future live appearances the recording lineup will be joined by Jens F. Ryland (BORKNAGAR) on guitar and Steinar Gundersen (SPIRAL ARCHITECT, SARKE) on bass."
While I'm stoked, I'm also a bit cautious. He's a great singer, but we'll have to see how he is as a songwriter.
Uh, he's been songwriting a long time. He wrote Colossus and Ad Noctum, two of Borknagars best songs.

If anything, it's good he's only made one full album. It'll keep his ideas fresh.
Uh, he's been songwriting a long time. He wrote Colossus and Ad Noctum, two of Borknagars best songs.

If anything, it's good he's only made one full album. It'll keep his ideas fresh.

Oh yeah, co-writing two songs means he's a great writer... lol

Like I said, I'm stoked for this because I love his vocals, but I'm also a bit cautious because he's never done anything nearly this ambitious before. Time will tell, but I'm not going to hype it up in my head if it winds up sucking.
He didn't co write them. The music was written by him.

Besides, a lot of the songs in this album have been worked on for a long, long time. I'm sure he's putting his heart into it.