i'd break these doctor's fucking hands. seriously.

hmm. This makes me of that doctor that would burn the initials of his school into whatever organ he was removing (I can't remember the kind of operation it was but it was female-specific) and one of his patients found out and is sueing him, even though a) the organ is getting removed anyway and b) it's standard practice to burn one end of it to differentiate between the top & bottom for the lab's benefit - he just chose to burn letters into it instead of a random mark.

I'm not trying to compare the two, it's just what came to mind.
yea there's a big difference when they just let 3 or 4 med students stick their fingers up your vadge "as practice" while you are unconscious, and they never asked you if it was okay. BIG DIFF!
that is deplorable. is there no shortage of replica vages out there for these perv freaks to stick there hands into? isn't this what the era of computer simulation is for?

i wonder what the reaction of men would be if the situation was reversed?
azal you are literally like, IRL turning into my least favorite person. i have to admit it. seriously. it's so old dude.
eh, you just get pissed about taboo subjects like racism, rape and aids...

if I made nothing but cripple and down syndrome jokes you would have no problems.
it's just getting old it's like the same thing over and over and i'm like *yawn* i guess i have poster ADD or something.
anyway, i know you're not really racist or sexist anyway so it's like, why dude seriously?
Well, Azal, it is interesting that you mention that. In a sense, as a member of the human race—and I suspect, at times, that you qualify as such—you were all, as a whole, asking for it.

Let me propose an interesting plan. Indeed, a replica of the inner pelvis could in fact be crafted from a highly detailed three dimensional computer application, and thus rendered in pliable rubber-like materials.

That alone does not an anethestized examination make. No, to complete this experience would be to subjugate one of these so-called young people to an organic, pulsating environment, and there is nothing better suited for such than the slumbering alimentary cavity of a young man... ironically enough. ONLY IN such a locale can this wonderous replica find a true home, AND AS SUCH should these examinations be employed. COME ONE, COME ALL, I say. This can and will usher in a new era of earthly medicine!

And all for free!

I would like to add to the Idea Professor's exceedingly informed post by saying that you can actually purchase these replicas molded DIRECTLY FROM THE PLEVISES of today's hottest porn stars.

Also works for rectal exam training.
I saw one of those at a smut shop in Florida.
It was a perfect replica of a complete ass of a porn star, so you had the poop shoot and the vag options to violate.

It was like $250 though, and for that I may as well get a real asian hooker to urinate on my chest.