Ides Of March - New Festival!


Sep 3, 2003
Leeds, UK
Ive heard on the musical grapevine that Vince who, im sure you know runs bloodstock, is in the process of setting up a new festival called 'Ides Of March' which, oddly enough, would be in march... I also heard that it would be in Wolverhampton and not Derby... I cant really remember which band names i heard mentioned but i think its supposed to be a more extreme version of the 'stock. Im told that the venue would be very similar to the assembly rooms....
Remember, this is all just hearsay so im not too sure...
that would make sense, as then bloodstock could be for the power metal fans as it has been from the start and the new fest could be for the more extreem fan, this would make almost everybody happy:)
I was going to start a thred off to that effect shorly but you beat me to it!. I just found a rock society letter and it mentioned a festival in March (it wasn't named though). Does anyone have any more info they'd like to share?
ironeagle said:
that would make sense, as then bloodstock could be for the power metal fans as it has been from the start and the new fest could be for the more extreem fan, this would make almost everybody happy:)

Bloodstock has never been a Power Metal Fest (I wish it was). It's always been a metal fest with a representation from Power Metal bands. A total of 49 bands have played at bloodstock and only 13 bands have been Power Metal. That's around 24%.

I think the Ides Of March (if it materializes) should be predominantly Power Metal and keep Bloodstock as it is.
The new festival sounds very intruging to me too, who also heard this off the same grapevine as jonoleth. I would go to it whatever the type of metal... the UK needs more metal fests! Power metal fest would be a great thing indeed, but surely that would mean less power metal at bloodstock? We need details!
Jonoleth said:
Ive heard on the musical grapevine that Vince who, im sure you know runs bloodstock, is in the process of setting up a new festival called 'Ides Of March' which, oddly enough, would be in march... I also heard that it would be in Wolverhampton and not Derby... I cant really remember which band names i heard mentioned but i think its supposed to be a more extreme version of the 'stock. Im told that the venue would be very similar to the assembly rooms....
Remember, this is all just hearsay so im not too sure...
Just to correct you on your comment above, Vince runs Bloodstock with a partner Paul Gregory, paul is the one who has created the fabulous album covers for alot of the bands that have played at Bloodstock. ( just thought you might like to know) :wave:
i knew he runs it with others, i was just saying, twas just cos his name is the one bounded around in conjunction with these things...
Catharsis said:
Business partner I presume? ;)
Yes business partner, they run it together, if you managed to go into the signing area you may have seen pauls paintings, or seen his painting from The Lord of the Rings, that was situated on the stairwell near the darwin suite.??
wow, i didnt realise that was his, that blew my mind, it was possibly the truest thing ive ever seen, so epically epic! i wanted to take it home...
I loved his painting... does he do any original work on comission for bands? I too wanted to steal that epic scene, but it was just too big. :-(
Joe5now said:
I loved his painting... does he do any original work on comission for bands? I too wanted to steal that epic scene, but it was just too big. :-(
If you went in the signing area, all the paintings in there were for bands album covers, IE: saxon, molly hathet, Blind Guardian etc, he has done album covers for heavy metal bands for years.