If 'Angel Dust' was born in the 21st Century, would it not sound like this???

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Go to this link: http://www.mtv.com/onair/advance_warning/, find Dillinger Escape Plan video for "Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants", watch and learn.

Also, go to www.dillingerescapeplan.com and hear many more songs by this most important band of the 21st Century. Furthermore and henceforth, read their news updates and giggle like schoooooool girl.

This thread is mostly for One Inch Penis. I feel as if he needs some schooling in the rulingness of 'Miss Machine'. He shall soon be one with this amazing album.
I agree that some of that album sounds like a descendant of Angel Dust. I think the EP they did w/ Patton really turned a corner, and I believe that is easily their best work. Miss Machine has some really cool songs, but also a few I'm not crazy about. I like it better than Calculating Infinity, which is interesting but I just never listen to.
I got a gift certificate to Best Buy for $15 from Secret Satan at work today, it's either going to this album or another Godspeed You! Black Emperor release. Let me fornicate the samples of this to decide.
1. Their website just scared the FUCK out of me because my volume was up too loud.

2. Listened to the first two samples, it's pretty alright but I don't understand the Angel Dust comparison. This doesn't have the depth, at least not yet.

3. I'm standing here posed like Ian Anderson, in my chones.

4. I'll give this a few more tries, or just buy it anyhow (I owe them one since I have Irony is a Dead Scene on CD-R) and return to this thread.

5. Okay that weird guitar shit on 43% Burnt is cool...
only other one I've heard is The Real Thing, and like Angel Dust, there are some excellent tracks and some filler. When they're on, they're on big time, but when they aren't, they are boring as hell.
Oh man, Angel Dust is so perfect it hurts. The Real Thing I'll agree can be hit or miss, but I've recently grown to really appreciate that one and King for a Day (hated this one for years). Then Album of the Year is nearly as strong as Angel Dust, and they were gone.

I haven't heard any of the pre-Patton stuff.
DEP is one of the most pretentious bands ever - me thinks.
I mean .. so many bands did what they TRY TO DO, and these bands did it more successfully and they take less credit.
DEP....what else... MTV promotes them.. something stinks.. beh
J: Check "King for a day Fool for a Lifetime"
One Inch Man said:
I haven't heard any of the pre-Patton stuff.
We Care Alot has some good stuff, but the next one, Introduce Yourself is awesome. The style is different and it takes awhile to get used to, but I really love it.
Heard the name Sleepytime Gorilla Theatre a few times, guess I'll have to look into it. Although I'm not such a fan of Pattonesque freakouts than I am a fan of Patton.
matt99_crew said:
We Care Alot has some good stuff, but the next one, Introduce Yourself is awesome. The style is different and it takes awhile to get used to, but I really love it.
Cool. Probably go ape poopy sometime in the near future and pick up the handful I'm missing.

Also I plan on picking up Miss Machine with one of my many gift certificates, I've read enough great things about it that it's probably worth my time to unravel.
I had to read half of this thread before I realized you weren't talking about Angel Dust the German Power Metal band. Regardless:

Angel Dust's "Enlighten the Darkness" >>>>>>>> Faith No More's "Angel Dust"

I still think I prefer "Calculating Infinity" a bit over "Miss Machine." DEP is a monster of a band and one of the hardest working in their "genre" IMO. They still hold the award of the greatest live show I have ever seen as well. Last show I saw with them I left in a katatonic state, just dumbfounded by the onslaught of the performance.