If any of you are in the Atlanta, GA area...

NEUROSIS! High on Fire was badass live, Nachtmystium!! fucking hell I love so many of those bands...

why in GA?! fuck the masq is gunna be packed by noon
wow, this probably won't make anyone give a fuck about their shitty cars but thats a pretty awesome lineup. too bad free fests are always so crowded so early its ridiculous.
I've never had feta on one of mine. Damn, shit sounds awesome son *drools like Homer*
I've never had feta on one of mine. Damn, shit sounds awesome son *drools like Homer*

Really? You've never had a greek omlette?


You haven't lived, son, you haven't lived!
The word "feta" used to scare me. It sucks to admit now :(


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