If anyone cares, i've got an mp3 of a new Mithras song, "Psyrens".

Sep 2, 2003
London, England
If you've got Direct Connect look me, Myrkskog, up in any of these hubs: paladin.sublevels.net, mayhem666.no-ip.info, grindcore.no-ip.org, suddendeath666.dyndns.org. If you've got Soulseek add me, TheBumDoctor, to your list.

It'll be in "My Music". By the way, its fucken' awesome. The intro is so... >_< .... can't think of a good enough word..... :erk: ethereal will do. The rest, well, just listen to it. :worship:
Some guy on the UM hub told me he had 4 tracks as I had a conversation about Mithras a week or so back. I only downloaded the 1 as I didn't want to spoil the enjoyment of blowing my mind once I get the CD. Henrikmain, did you look for me in any of those hubs?
Ageless said:
Henrikmain, did you look for me in any of those hubs?

Yeah, I did - and I found you on both the UM hub and some other. It doesn't matter, though - I downloaded it from that website, and am listening to it now. Nice and relaxing intro.. And.. :OMG: :OMG: I need this album.