If Behemoth and Napalm Death had a love child...

... it would sound like this.

Really happy with the production and feel of this mix. Don't miss the bass drop around 1:40 of the first track. I've been envisioning that part since the first day of drum tracking and it's pretty god damn gratifying to play that shit loud on my barefoots. :heh:


It's the top post now. Band's called Deadspeak.
I think I experienced the phantom image for the first time listening to this.

I actually was inside the mix for a bit.

Guitars sound fuckin angry. I'm not feeling the vocals that much, but that's just a personal thing; in the mix they sound really good.
sounds incredible amazing to me dude. and great song ! can you share with us how you can get that tone in the guitars and bass??
Love it man, the guitars have a fantastic crunch; was this a 2 or 3 channel Rectifier, and what channel? What cab also? Drums (especially the snare) sound ace as well, great job!
This may not matter much to you but I could not hear the bass drop on BX8As. Mix sounds amazing though. Love the guitar sound the most.
Im always so stunned by your mixes. If you dont mind me asking what daw, interface, and pre's do you use?

DAW: Nuendo 3 (I bought the 4 upgrade when it came out and just haven't moved over yet :erk:)

Interface: Presonus FireStudio which I would not recommend as it is a huge steaming pile of shit. I've been wanting to upgrade for a while now. Thinking about either a SSL Alphalink setup or an Mackie Onyx 1200F.

Pres: Most of the time I just use the Crane Song Spider for pres and conversion. I have a few SCA preamp modules that I'll use sometimes. I believe for this project everything was Spider except for vocals where I used a N72 module.
Love it man, the guitars have a fantastic crunch; was this a 2 or 3 channel Rectifier, and what channel? What cab also? Drums (especially the snare) sound ace as well, great job!

Mesa 3ch DR (Red ch, tube rectos) > Mesa oversized

Bass is actually all Sansamp. Ran it through once clean and again with a distortion pedal and blended in the mix.

Drums are all various samples from my collection. A free :headbang: to whoever can guess the tom samples.
Yeah, me neither on my Tannoys :(

I kind of like to mix bass drops where you won't hear them unless you have a system that will truly do them justice. I must admit I'm a little surprised you can't hear them at all on your monitors. Oh well, they will come through at least a little on most bookshelf system and cars. And if you have subs... your head will actually explode. It's quite a sight.
I kind of like to mix bass drops where you won't hear them unless you have a system that will truly do them justice. I must admit I'm a little surprised you can't hear them at all on your monitors. Oh well, they will come through at least a little on most bookshelf system and cars. And if you have subs... your head will actually explode. It's quite a sight.

It's actually at 1:55... could barely hear it on my HS80Ms, but it just HAD to be there! :D

and BTW, again a crushing mix. I'm still amazed at how you seem to be able to always achieve this huge sound...