If I grow forelocks but am a goyim, will orth. jews think i'm disrespectful?


Nov 9, 2001
So far, if I pull them straight, they go down past my jawline, but when I let go and they curl back up again, they only reach to about the bottom of my ear. These things take FOREVER to grow. It's cool though, if I like grease them, they get all slick and curly and it's like a i have a french weightlifter's moustachio, but coming from the sides of my head.
unless you want to stop eating pork and wearing black altogether.


"This xfer knows not of what he speaks, oh Lord"

Besides Toby, maybe it's time for a new direction:

OK, I looked into it:

The Federation has dumped Mr. Spock.

Not the United Federation of Planets, though. The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle has canceled an appearance by Leonard Nimoy over a dispute concerning nude images in the former "Star Trek" actor's new art-photography book.

"I'm shocked by it," Nimoy said, following what he described as an "unpleasant" conversation with the federation's director, Barry Goren. "It may be an anomaly. I hope it is. We have not had this kind of reaction anyplace else."

"Shekhina" features ethereal black-and-white images of women — some of whom are partially dressed or nude — based on the Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism.

that's hardly anything like sticking tefillin in your hoo-ha

some people are so uptight. If they knew anything, they'd know that kabbalah is extremely sexual.