If it wasn't for Al Gore...

Its about -6 F here right now... usually at this time of year our area is in the low 20's.

It used to get this cold when I lived for a winter in Upstate New York, so I have some experience with it, but god damn is it hell to work in.
we had our first permanent snow around january 8th. We usually have it a month earlier, this is fucked up.
Oh, I'm sure its happening, I just choose not to want to admit Al Gore is right.

Like I said, if Optimus Prime were to be a spokesman for it, I'd gladly admit to it happening.
And you, of course, have all the facts and know its happening 100% so everyone else is stubborn? And saying "Oh I know its happening and everyone who doesn't admit it is a fucking idiot cause I obviously know everything about it and I'm 100% right!" is not being stubborn? Ersatz logic.
And you, of course, have all the facts and know its happening 100% so everyone else is stubborn? And saying "Oh I know its happening and everyone who doesn't admit it is a fucking idiot cause I obviously know everything about it and I'm 100% right!" is not being stubborn? Ersatz logic.

No, saying you won't believe in it because one person who you don't like supports it is stubborn.
Well yeah, thats stubborn, but someone who said earlier in this thread:

"You global warming deniers are ridiculous."

Has no place to be deciding who is stubborn and who isn't.
And my not wanting to follow any movements Al Gore is involved in is not TOO stubborn. Its basing off the fact the man is someone I feel will do anything to get his name in the front, so making a 'documentary' with some 'fabricated' facts I won't put past him.

Edit: And adding the fact that I would take an fictional characters word on this a little more truthfully than Al Gore was supposed to display this.
Also - it's very easy to read too much into global warming. The human contribution to fucking up the atmosphere is pretty small, percentage wise.

Like all things, take it with a pinch of salt. Obviously the "findings" of Government sponsored, Oil-Company funded "think tanks" will be pretty far off the mark, but alot of "science" that happily assigns all the blame to ignorant human beings is firmly in the pseudo category of the discipline.

It's easier to weigh up the entire situation when one considers that the biosphere will recover over time, regardless of what we do to it. I'm of the opinion that considering such technology exists as to minimise our impact on this gift of a planet we have (I'm a fan of Gaia theory!:) ) then it is fucking stupid that we don't use it and enforce everyone else to use it.

That said, I cannot STAND polarised opinions on this subject. Polarisation just leads to pig-headed duels and no resolution. It's also possible we should just cull half the human race, in a Linkola-esque genocide and let a small minority that realise anyone over 75llbs on this planet should be ashamed of themselves live on in a much more natural way.