if [ jimmy_page = devil ] then roy_harper = ~devil


Jun 8, 2003
Oslo, Norway
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Yes, 'tis true. I've cracked the secret code of Strangelight's hypocricy!

Let me make a long story short:

This summer I really began to like Led Zeppelin. I was chatting a bit
with Father Strangelight, and he told me that they were devil worshippers.
If I'm not mistaking, I recall that the same Father Strangelight also
fancied Roy Harper.

... and as my knowledge has grown, I recently figured out that
Led Zeppelin's guitarist, Jimmy Page (the foulest of them all), is an
additional musician on Roy Harper's album Jugula!

So, if Father Strangelight reckons Led Zeppelin (or Jimmy Page for
that matter) is devil-ish and repels it all cost, and simultaneously
fancies Jugula. Then, from my point of view, he's a hypocrite!

I rebell against this!
as much a load of shit as it is. the legend is...led zeppelin sold their souls to the devil in exchange for success apart from jon paul jones.they paid their price in the forms of jimmy page nearly dying from heroin addiction,john bonham actually dying and robert plant suffering a near fatal car crash and having one of his children die from pneumonia i think it was, when he was young.jon paul jones was apparently unscathed.
people likened jimmy page's brilliance to paginini,the violinist who apprently sold his soul to satan in exchange for brilliance in his chosen field and suffered terribly in his personal life.
i think the same goes for robert johnson in the thirties but dont quote me on it.
Johnson allegedly sold his soul to the devil at a crossorads at midnight. he wrote songs called "cross roads blues" "me and the devil blues" and "hellhound on my tail" which probably started the whole rumour. Interesting how in most cultures any talismans which give benefits extract a price in other parts of your life
exactly, ill also add a load of my bollox to that, fucking robert plant and jimmy page :puke: what a messy guitar player if ever there was one, fucking chancers getting away with it in the 70's, :puke: my bollox!
jimmy page bought aleister crowleys old house on the banks of loch ness he was that obsessed with him.

the robert johnson stuff,its all coming back to me now.id been drinking and i couldnt remember it.

ikeaboy said:
exactly, ill also add a load of my bollox to that, fucking robert plant and jimmy page :puke: what a messy guitar player if ever there was one, fucking chancers getting away with it in the 70's, :puke: my bollox!

thats fucking sacrilege.
he plays the same shite, just cos he was the first to introduce those licks, and well...fare play to him, he was worshiped and still is by old men. times have changed, we've had the the classical age, the electrical guitar age, its now the age of technology, and i guess new gods will emerge like everything else ;) are you paying attention?