If Jonas suddenly left the band...

Maynard is way overrated, just my opinion naturally. He would ruin Katatonia. If such a thing ever happened which i doubt will as i'm sure they'd rather call it a day than try to go on. But should it happen i would want an unknown to fill in because there would be no replacing Jonas.
i think nobody should replace Jonas,i mean Jonas is Katatonia!without Jonas
it wouldnt be the same anymore....and james maynard..he has a great personality and he is a great artist...so i think he wouldnt fit in,in Katatonia.
Maybe they could ask Mike Akerfeldt to do the vocals and then record a return-to-BMD album.
Seriously, though, I can't see the band going on without Jonas. Or without Anders for that matter.
hehe, nope. Jonas *is* Katatonia. In my opinion Katatonia couldn't exist without him - I mean, Blakkheim is a damn important part of the band as well, since he composes most of the music - BUT - October Tide showed that Jonas can at least come close to the real Katatonia on his own (ok, together with Fred ;)). I totally love Blakkheims solo-project as well, but it's totally different from everything that Katatonia represents.
Blakkheim + Renkse = Katatonia.

Other members are basically replacable, but without either of the above there would be no Katatonia, that's how I see it.
Nico16 said:
I totally love Blakkheims solo-project as well, but it's totally different from everything that Katatonia represents.
That's why he made it a side project. Having Diabolical Masquerade doesn't mean he is less capable of composing Katatonia style music.
Erik said:
That's why he made it a side project. Having Diabolical Masquerade doesn't mean he is less capable of composing Katatonia style music.
Well, Diabolical Masquerade wasn't a side-project in the first place. Blakkheim created it after Katatonia split up in the mid 90s. (when Jonas formed October Tide). It's just that he kept the project after Katatonia re-united.
Jonas is god, noone can replace him, couse he is the best vocalist, nooneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :worship:
hehe, well come on...I wouldn't say that Jonas is god (to quote Katatonia: "your fucking god is dead and will forever be!" :lol: ), nor would I say, that he's the best vocalist. But he's the only one who can write the kind of lyrics that Katatonia-fans learned to love since BMD and the only one who can create this special atmosphere with his vocals, like he does since Discouraged ones...

Err, so I guess all you saying "Jonas' vocals are irreplaceable" must really hate Brave Murder Day & Sounds of Decay? ;)
good question ;) I guess that's why people often refer to "old (pre-DO) Katatonia" and "new (post-SoD) Katatonia" ;)
gone said:
Err, so I guess all you saying "Jonas' vocals are irreplaceable" must really hate Brave Murder Day & Sounds of Decay? ;)
Aren't people mostly saying "Jonas is irreplacable?" 'Cause that still holds true; he wrote the lyrics for those records (well, except for "At Last")
Erik said:
Aren't people mostly saying "Jonas is irreplacable?" 'Cause that still holds true; he wrote the lyrics for those records (well, except for "At Last")

Of course. My comment was meant to be a sort of a joke (admittedly, not a very good one). I'd say that Jonas' growled vocals are readily replaceable (vide BMD/Grey Dawn), but his clean vocals are so distinct and recognizable that most fans simply couldn't accept a different singer. And yes, I agree that Jonas' lyrics are probably his most significant contribution to the band; I'd be hard-pressed to name a metal band with better lyrics than Katatonia has.
gone said:
I'd say that Jonas' growled vocals are readily replaceable (vide BMD/Grey Dawn)
Yeah, you're probably right. Still, I enjoy the extreme emotion put into the vocals on "Dance of December Souls" (then there's stuff like "Hear the Violin / So sad and blackened / Like a Breeze / The songs of Drynhwyl..." from "Velvet Thorns" where he bites off more than he can chew, but I digress) and the uniqueness of those on "For Funerals to Come..." ("Shröud of feeelth embräce me / As the stätööö stäres so kåååld / Bläck blue eyes of möööurning / Cheeeld born to dööööie")

But yes, you're quite right.

On an unrelated note, WTF is Drynwhyl?