If we tried to make a serious 9/11 thread, it would become a cosplay-posting thread.


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
So I got all excited about being able to flip through all my TV stations at 8:46 am and see nothing but dead air and/or American flags. I did so and the only networks I saw that had suspended programming were the Food Network and the Fitness Network. I ended up watching part of REGARDING HENRY and some cartoon about an aardvark before I had to go to work. Who says it's hard for our nation to move on?
Right! I think that's good, though. The past is in the past, and you learn from it and then stop dwelling on it.

They should totally show the WTC Simpsons this evening.
I'm gonna put some of these on my guitar, go to Afghanistan and kill Osama in the face with ROCK!

there are so many american-fucking-flags flapping around in the extremely blustery wind today it's almost a hazard to walk down 6th avenue.
Sites like that always shoot themselves in the foot when, instead of remaining objective, they use language like "From the very beginning of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948, the racist Israelis etc etc"
Yeah, you're like "Good point, good point...waitaminute...they refer to 'Palestine' but not 'Israel'? Blah!".

I think they're still informative if you cull the wheat from the chaff and keep in mind half the stuff on there is lies. I mean, I read National Review and it's written by a bunch of right-wingers. "Good point, good point...WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1963 NEEDS TO BE REPEALED? Gaahh!"