^ Doesn't get the joke.haha. Fortunately i'm not italian
More than you think.What's that got to do with being italian?
Cazzo c'entra con essere italiano?
cazzo avrete da prendere per il culo coglionii..siete dei cazzoni che nn sanno aiutare pensate solo alle stronzate...se nn volete rispondere fatevi icazzi vostri sempre a scrivere le stesse cose....figli di troiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......e scrivo come cazzo mi pare madonna cagnaaaaaa te capi???..aahahaha...ahaha nerd del cazzo io sono un loser te un figlio di troia nata x forza crepasse adesso rotta nel culo
Well, at least we aren't a problem like you ^^
I don't get this 'acting like you're cool-thing' on the internet,really.
There's too much hate,and do not come up with the same bullshit of "we're just trolling,you don't take our shit seriously"
I don't know,maybe it's just too hard to use this forum like it's meant to be used...you have your COBOT to troll around.