If you ran a plantation, who would you draft as head slave?!?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I'd have to go with Michael Vick. This negar would work assidiuously as four mexicans, bobbing and weaving in and out of rows of corn, carrying bushels of cobs to Dwight the Driver who would lash his backside with a mighty thwack of hickory if the quantity were not to his satisfaction. Too proud to pick cotton you say?!? He'll do as he's told if he wants his portion of gumbo. With skin as negrescent in tone as Susperia's clit blanketed by the hairy man flesh of Hell Awaits Us All's persian phallus, Vick would be the dark beacon in the field of sloth. Motivating fellow servants who dawdle in the plantation of desperation. Lackadaisical lemurs who before, would refuse to plow if not under conditions of duress, would soon grab a hoe with a smile resting on their labia sized lips, with all thoughts of sedition quelled, in knowing that their alpha negar bows before the white throne.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
I'd have to go with Michael Vick. This negar would work assidiuously as four mexicans, bobbing and weaving in and out of rows of corn, carrying bushels of cobs to Dwight the Driver who would lash his backside with a mighty thwack of hickory if the quantity were not to his satisfaction. Too proud to pick cotton you say?!? He'll do as he's told if he wants his portion of gumbo. With skin as negrescent in tone as Susperia's clit blanketed by the hairy man flesh of Hell Awaits Us All's persian phallus, Vick would be the dark beacon in the field of sloth. Motivating fellow servants who dawdle in the plantation of desperation. Lackadaisical lemurs who before, would refuse to plow if not under conditions of duress, would soon grab a hoe with a smile resting on their labia sized lips, with all thoughts of sedition quelled, in knowing that their alpha negar bows before the white throne.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

You mean Ron Mexico?
Please post pictures of these aspiring slaves in which you mention. I just traded a 3rd and 4th round draft pick to Sir Reginald for a higher pick in the second round. I missed the combine and am in need of valuable intel. :heh:
I think racist thougths about 1000X more now than I did before I started posting on RC. I think it may be Jerry's fault.

I would draft Kanye west. He would start spouting off on how he is the greatest slave ever and how he is Gods gift to slave owners. Three things could come of this. All would be great.

1) He would actually bust his shit colored ass trying to prove he is the greatest slave ever.
2) The other slaves would get sick of him and kill him.
3) Both 1 & 2.
Don't ever talk about my clit in that tone of voice ever again.

Not to mention use such a horrific hypothetical as that of Hell Awaists Us All anywhere near it.
Don't speak cunt.

The head slave position for the month of December goes to Oprah Winfrey. Is she or Obama running for president? I can't tell.

I can't make out the indecipherable band logo on the t-shirt she's wearing in the picture to the right. Can anyone?
Lurch. He'd terrify everyone into working harder with his tales of communist hardship, and unspoken threats that he'd devour them like he used to eat small children, thereby becoming even bigger and more terrifying!