If you were in charge of the Oscars (or any other film award thingy)...


Hhhhmmm. What was the best movie you saw last year????
For me, it's a tie between "Finding Neverland" and "The Aviator."

Best Horror: "Dawn of the Dead"
Best Comedy: "Garden State"
Best Documentary: "Supersize Me"
Best Sci/Fi: "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"
Best Indie: "Open Water"
Best Musical: "Music of Mass Destruction: Live In Chicago" (DUH)
Best Fantasy: "King Arthur"

What are some of your picks? I'm really looking for movies that slipped under my radar.
Honarable Mention goes to "Bad Santa (even though it was X-Mas '03), Eternal Sunshine, and Million Dollar Baby....
In no particular order last years great films
spiderman 2, Life Aquatic, Aviator and then one film I made while snorting pixie sticks (honest) off some bar sluts tits and ass! It wil soon be available at Prime666fuckedyomama.com and possibly on BillyMilano.com If he would quit bashing Wu and the Chief....... Speaking of the Chief, Does he still post here? I see Wu browsing on occasion but never SirCharles.
[I think ninety percent of movies that win awards or critics love suck. Only war movies are the acception. Dawn of the Dead was surprisingly awesome tome.Im a huge fan of the original so I was pleasantely surprised. I have absoluelty no desire to see Avaiator, Finding Neverland, or just about anything else that got nominated. I need more movies about Vikings, Zombies, and the Apocalypse please.
best horror: Dawn of the dead
best comedy: Shaun of the dead
Best documentry: Supersize me (i already hated McD's but i'll never eat one again)
Best musical: Team America
Best movie i watched, didn't think i'd like but did: Ray
Best Porn: Something someone just bluetoothed to my mobile phone-sick but good.