IK revives SampleTank Free, removing limitations, adding 500MB sound set

Peter - IK Multimedia

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2009
Since there were some SampleTank threads here, I figured some would be interested...

...not to mention the new Authorization Manager! No more copying and pasting long authorization codes or jumping between web pages and the old wizard.


SampleTank FREE is a full-featured version of SampleTank 2.5, with a 500 MB specially selected samples library. Now you can experience the full power and flexibility of the industry's leading sound sample engine for FREE and build your compositions to perfection.

No longer limited - Multiple instances that opens ALL SampleTank format sounds, import functionality, and the ability to create your own user presets.

• Over 500 MB samples for over 200 sounds included 16 part multitimbral with easy layerable/mixable parts

• 3 synth engines:
  • - STRETCH™ (formant preserving pitch-shift/time-stretch)
    - Polyphonic Pitch-Shift/Time-Stretch (PS/TS)
    - Resampling
• The most powerful multi-effects section in a virtual instrument:
  • - 5 insert effects per Part
    - 5 Send effects
    - Master effects
• 33 built-in DSP effects derived from award winning audio processors like T-RackS and AmpliTube
• Part and Master Loop Sync
• Can be expanded with: SampleTank 2.5 L and XL sounds and any "Powered by SampleTank" sound modules including Miroslav Philharmonik, Sonik Synth 2, SampleMoog, SampleTron
• Can be expanded with any Xpansion Tank 2 sounds
• Imports WAV, AIFF, SDII, AKAI S-1000/3000, SAMPLECELL
• Available both as a standalone application as well as a plug-in
• VST, RTAS, and AU on Mac OS X/Windows
I bought the Xpansion Tank 2 back when you guys had the group buy, does this include any new sounds I might not have?
Well i use and love the hell out of AmpegSVX, can't pass this up! Thank for the heads up.
Spent some time with it today and have some annoyances to vent

Installation was fine but no samples. After some searching I found that I had to get a separate download for the samples. No prob.
Hey only 30 days to download the sample content?! That's strange.
Insaller for sounds didn't put them in the default folder. C:\\Program Files (x86)\IK Multimedia\Sampletank\nstruments not C:\\Program Files (x86)\IK Multimedia\Sampletank\Instruments
Whatever I'll just move it myself.
So I start digging into the sounds. To get to some of the sounds I have to go through 7 folders in the browser!
So I look at the presets menu - What! No presets! Eff I'll just make my own then.
I start making a preset for all 200 sounds.
Around #30 patches in it kept crashing as soon as I'd touch the preset menu. I can only assume that this is a glitch with my system because after a restart and I deleted the folder I'd made. This corrected itself.
2 of the patches, (Heavy Carl is one) would not load correctly. Just a window that says Performing Preanalysis forever.

I made 200+ presets, one for each sound in the browser. This was a pain in the ass to do but less than using the silly browser.
a LOT of these 200 sounds are VERY similar. Like the same samples with different envelope and effects. If this was something I paid for I'd be upset.

Some of the sounds are pretty good though, I'm sure I'll find some use for it and I've made a few of my own presets already.

New Authorization process is great! I just had to reauthorize a bunch of IK plugins last week because my drive clone didn't save them.

One other question:
I had Sampletank 2 SE (bundled with Digi002R) since forever but never used it, would it be worth downloading again for more sounds, or will all those be in this?
I bought the Xpansion Tank 2 back when you guys had the group buy, does this include any new sounds I might not have?
This is the same engine, and the sounds would overlap. Thanks!

With regard to other comments, thanks and also I've noted the ones that are constructive criticism and appreciate it. Please also do not hesitate to contact support with any issues so that they may help you resolve them and also help with possible updates for others.
What the fuck? I downloaded this back when this thread was started but didn't realize I had to download the sound banks separately. Now that I finally had the time to try it out, I realized I have the activated plug-in but can't download the free sound banks anymore, because the download is expired and I'm supposed to buy a re-activation code that costs 19,99€ :lol:
What the fuck? I downloaded this back when this thread was started but didn't realize I had to download the sound banks separately. Now that I finally had the time to try it out, I realized I have the activated plug-in but can't download the free sound banks anymore, because the download is expired and I'm supposed to buy a re-activation code that costs 19,99€ :lol:

Yeah, IK's policy for sample downloads sucks. If you're really motivated, though, you might get away with not paying if you ask their support (who actually happens to respond really fast).
What the fuck? I downloaded this back when this thread was started but didn't realize I had to download the sound banks separately. Now that I finally had the time to try it out, I realized I have the activated plug-in but can't download the free sound banks anymore, because the download is expired and I'm supposed to buy a re-activation code that costs 19,99€ :lol:

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