I'll bother you with this once too.


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
I posted this over on the MOTW board as well. I don't want to bother too many people and be accused of spamming or something, but...

I've got my mp3 page going. Link is in my signature (tunes). The songs I posted and will be posting in the near future are by no means complete. They're full songs, but are more than likely going to undergo modifications. If you're bored take a listen and feel free to rip em apart. This will be the first and last thread I will create about this. Thank you.

The Management

Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional or even a semi professional. This is just a hobby for me so don't expect to hear anything spectacular.
Hey thanks. I'd like to try to do something more with it than just a hobby, but right now I don't see where I can find the additional time that would be necessary. As it is I spend the majority of my free time working on this stuff.
I'm glad you liked em. Yeah, these are definitely on the softer side. I've got a couple heavier tunes I'm working on but I've always been a huge fan of warm acoustic tones in metal and I've been using that in almost all of my music so far. Five out of the six I have written have quite a bit of acoustic or clean tones and two are completely acoustic. Some say that isn't metal. Oh well. I'm just making music. Wether it's considered metal or not I don't really care. I'm just trying to create something I want to listen too. If other people find it enjoyable that's just a huge bonus.