I'm a fucking retard


formerly Skeksis268
Dec 30, 2008
Coventry, UK

I got out my SE Electronics R1, probably my favourite mic due to it's tasty smoothness, for recording some acoustic guitar. I could hear some distortion on the track, something wasn't right. I decided to open up the mic and get a look at the ribbon and maybe re-tension it.

I slipped and ripped the fucking ribbon in half.


Then I look back at my interface and see that i'd had phantom power going through the mic while tracking. So in actual fact there was nothing wrong with the mic at all. (Unless the phantom power damaged it)

I just broke my favourite mic while taking it appart to fix a non-existant problem.

Now I have to find somewhere to get 1.8 micron foil to re-ribbon it. So far I see one ebay seller in the US and that's it. Dammit.
That's rough man, I can sympathize.

I once sold my AKG C4000b on eBay and the buyer told me it had all types of issues. I tested the mic when I got it back and everything was fine but I thought it would be a good idea to open it up and check anyway. Everything was fine inside but I stripped one of the screws putting it back together and now I don't feel comfortable selling it, I'm doomed to own a C4000b forever :ill:
I fucked up a guitar effects processor by opening it withouth unscrewing it completely, broke the pcb board, and it wasn't mine... it also had nothing wrong at all.
I fixed a friend's vintage Bassman 4x12" cabinet. The speakers are wired two and two in parallel(must be 4 ohm speakers, which in series gives 8 ohms), one of the speaker leads had fallen off so two of the speakers weren't emitting any sound. I told him I'd fix it for him.

The cabinet is front loaded, 8 screws per speaker. I unscrewed three of the speakers(the fourth one was glued), checked everything and then I measured the cab input it with my multimeter, which gave me the 4 ohm impedance I was hoping for. I put everything back into place, and the speaker lead had fallen off again, so two of the speakers still weren't emitting any sound. So I removed all four speakers this time, found an obviously broken speaker lead and soldered it into place. I screwed everything into place, but when I was inserting the LAST FUCKING SCREW I lost the grip of my screwdriver and poked a big hole in the speaker membrane... I managed to repair it though and it still sounds great :)