Im bored and so are you: let's make a riff recording contest


råj råj fiskjöbåt
Sep 5, 2003
i skogen
Hey, let's all us guitar players record 30sec max guitar riffs from Dark Tranquillity whole riffography and post a link here. Record with a comp, multitrack or whatever, just tell us what you recorded with and which song it's supposed to be from (because who knows maybe you're not made to win the contest)

What do you think??

Conditions would be:
-just guitars, no drums, no vocals (vocals without drums? lol), bass if you wish.
-30 seconds max
-from a Dark tranquillity song
-use distortion sound when needed
-don't use phrase acceleration/sampling/loops
-record it yourself
-don't take all night, it's just for a stupid forum
-If you plan on making more than 1, don't do it over the same DT album.


So far, nine mp3* uploaded°: (by Dark_Jester) (by Krigsbarn) (by Tebus) (by erik) (by erik) (by Krigsbarn) (by krigsbarn) (by Dead Eternity) (by Dead Eternity)

(*: rename the file extension to ??.mp3)
(°: if you have problems getting your mp3 uploaded, MagSec4 can do something for you, let him know)
Dark_Jester dude, it's great, but you should download some multiaudio tracking software and you'll have awesome results, the sound is well chosen

"Conditions would be:
-just guitars"

you can add as much as you want :p
D_J and Krigsbarn: I'm impressed!

Edit: more infos on how I recorded this 30 sec riffsound:
-ESP Guitar => LINE-6 POD => SoundCard => Cubase SX
3 tracks: 2 rythm/1stereo, one for the high leads.

Go check out the mp3's at the post #1
Krigsbarn, any chance I can hear the entirety of Monochromatic Stain?

I'll record a DT riff soon; nothing fancy. Just as soon as I get the mic, guitar tuning, and software set up. :)
Just take your guitar, plug it in a pedal, and plug it in the sound card! lol, ok buy a mic if it's better ;-)

I didn't record the full monochromatic stains, only 1min50 from the beginning and skipping the second verse (lol)
I haven't touch my geetar in ages... better brush the dust off of it. ;)
I'm gonna do the intro to Insanity's Crescendo.
Good choice!!! remember, 30 seconds max!! ;-)

CALL TO OTHER GUITAR PLAYERS!!! what are you waiting for ??? jack your guitar off! (but keep the jack plugged)
@Tebus: haha, what's that tr0o black metal sound ???
Well done for that riff, it's a pretty hard one typical of damage done.
krigsbarn said:
@Tebus: haha, what's that tr0o black metal sound ???
Ahh yeah. hehe :p I can't really help that. It's just the way the guitar sounds when i plug it into the computer. It's a lttle meatier than I want it to sound but oh well. :)
Amp modelling shits can help that, they make the sound "studio like", but don't spend more than 450 bucks because it's not serious shit
@krigsbarn: Good thread you´ve made.
And good sounding guitar too. And and and..

Well i should record punish my heaven intro. Now I just dont have time and skills. I´ve played for 4 months now so thats it.