I'm Getting Rid Of... (non-shitty list)

All $7 unless otherwise noted:

DAWN OF DREAMS - Darklight Awakening
ALCHEMIST - Organasm
PAGAN'S MIND - Celestial Entrance
FATES WARNING - A Pleasant Shade of Gray
GOD DETHRONED - Into the Lungs of Hell
CROWN OF THORNS - Eternal Death
SAVATAGE - Poets and Madmen
CIRCLE II CIRCLE - Watching in Silence
BETHLEHEM - Schatten aus der Alexander Welt (2CD) $10
BLACK SABBATH - Best Of (2CD) $10
MANOWAR - The Triumph of Steel
If you're interested in either of these, I'll trade ya. I have zero money right now.

Zyklon - Aeon
Behemoth - Pandemonic Incantation (digi w/ bonus tracks)
What the...!? Oh shit yeah I think I want that! :D

Dammit, I recently tracked down that Sunn 0))) but found it cheap so I'm not pissed. What's Old Man Gloom like? I think someone recommended them to me...
Note my edit, thought I'd squeeze in under you, but you were too quick! YUO AER NOW TEH my pals OF TYEPINGZ!!!!!111111 :p
GAH! You bastard! Fuck me, THIS is why I look insane all the time, people deleting their posts! :loco:
hehe, i just have to point out how great that fenriz quote is in your sig there erik :D
that entire interview is really entertaining/interesting... i really wonder whether he was drunk when he made it
NAD: Old Man Gloom is only the most original band of the 21st century. They are progressive in the truest since of the word. In short . . . they are the cat's dick!!! I highly, highly, highly recommend them. Meditations in B is great, but they really showed their genius on Seminar II and Seminar III.
Okay I want Rapture and Old Man Gloom. But I'm not supposed to buy any more CDs for awhile. BWD, come steal $14 from me and shit, I'll give you beer.
Gimme yer paypal address d00d.

Excuse: The Queens of the Stone Age CD I purchased for $14.99 got cancelled, so these CDs are taking its place. Yes I know I'm talking to myself, I do that.