I'm leaving.


Graveless Soul
Jan 11, 2002
Visit site
This is my last night in this apartment and place where I move I don't have I-net connection. So I won't be here for at least couple months. :( Year here went fast, I had great time with you all and got one good friend. Thanks for listening my whining NV.:)
Drink hard and keep your selves as a men/women.;) And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for everyone!

(I made this thread just because I was bitter that I never made "I'm new" thread.:D )
You listened to my whining often enough as well mate! :lol:

I'll miss you man, you have my best wishes for the future, show 'em how to do it right and kick asses :headbang:
We'll stay in contact for sure! :)

Originally posted by Mahawkk
i'm kinda new at CoB forum, but i guess i can wish ya have some great time in the place ya're movin' to, fella. may the reaper be with you!

Whooooooh, great, "may the reaper be with you"!!!!
I'll change my "may the power be with you"... :worship:

Take care dood, and good luck with your new 'home' etc...