I'm Noob Mixing/Producing the First Song of my Band. Please give some advice.


New Metal Member
Jun 17, 2009
Hi, this is my first post here and here I am with the first track we decided to record.

We are a modern heavy prog band, we are form Latin America so we sing in Spanish.

Also there should be a guitar solo after the second chorus but I'm still working on it.

Some technical info:

Guitars: Ibanez RGA with Bareknuckle Miracle Man puckups, Schecter hellriser C-1 with EMGs. recorded direct with GSP1101 and direct box. Evrithing with cab impulses with LeCab, some track were reamped with Poulin LeCto.

Bass: Cheap Washburn 5 string, direct, lot of work to make it sound right (the bassist knows he has to change it for something better)

Drums: ezdrummer DFH EZX.

Keyboards: Kore Player, Dimension Pro

DAW: Sonar 8.5 Producer


Thanks in advance.

it really is not that bad man really,drums could be a bit louder...cool little interlude in the middle of tune....good job....:kickass: