I'm Playing ANTHRAX on My Station!

Jack Sabbath said:
NOOOO! It won't let me listen anymore! The bastards want me to pay! Anyway.. it's been fun listening. I think I know your playlist inside out. ;)

Cool, but I'm always adding new stuff. :)

Also, it STOPPED?! If your using that lame Radio 365 thing, I suggest going back to the station page and try using a Real Player, Windows Media Player, or iTunes if you have it.

I'm listening, Mr. Skull.
Hows about playing something from the Bush era?? What Doesn't Die perhaps...?
LuvataciousSkull said:
Cool, and thanks! Yep, defently got that coming up next! I think I need to send a messeage to someone, too. ;)
Right on dude!
You play good music... (NP Sepultura- Stronger Than Hate) :rock:
LuvataciousSkull said:
Heh, thanks!

Also, sorry about the Drop out! Som,e crazy shit happened. It's good now, though.
I was wondering what happened. hehe. Also, I can't figure out how to get the station to play in Windows. I can only open that Live365 window and plays there.