i'm proud to announce - my band got signed!


Jul 27, 2005
i'm very proud to announce that my modern technical death metal band RETALIATION is now officially signed to no less than UNIQUE LEADER RECORDS :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Our full length will be in stores on august 17th.

i'm absolutely stoked about this, actually we're the first german band on unique leader's roster.

you can find more info as well as another song of the upcoming album entitled "ominious greed" at


btw, it's even more cool (to me) that the whole album was tracked and mixed at my own studio, and was mastered by our forum's own BRANDY, who's running the well known Iguana Studios here in germany (necrophagist, deadborn etc). he did a great job btw, highly recommended guy!

sorry for the self plug, but i had to share the news with my fellow sneapsters :kickass: