I'm really drunk right now!Hey Linda!!

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I'm so waysted!!I just got back from a kick ass local Metal show!Saw Freight Rain.Imgaicka(ww.imagickametal.com),The X-rated porno machine & I forgat the othwe band but I did somw arious drinkin'!!!!!!
Hey Linda
I'm stiil trying to set up my B-daty bash in Cecember.If you have an extra day when you're out here I'd like you to check out my good buccy Sam Adato's Drum shop!He plays in Freight Train & is teh guty I moved to S.F with in '89.He's a great drummer & really apreciates good drummers & I can't wait for him to finally see how you shred on drums.I just got done telling him how you are the Goddess of drums.He runs a killer drum store & will giuve you a killer deal & free t-shirt on any drum stuff you need!!Anyways I need to take some asprin & sleep off my alcahol overload!Was Up everybody!!!
LOLOLOLOL!!!! Danny you're killing me Larry! Ya, Keyser, you're right, PMing would be more appropriate next time, but you've still got me snickering right now. Hope the hangover wasn't too bad! :yuk: o_O :p Looking forward to seeing the b-day blowout and the drum shop! PM me anytime.