I'm Really Tired....


Paint Brush Pusher
Dec 3, 2005
I think I could sleep for a 1,000 years....then I can be called Tap_Van_Winkle2 in/on the next milleniums forum board....Maybe I shouldnt sleep , or The Invasion Of The BodySnatcher pod things will get me......Just one more helmet to do and I can veg for about half a week......

o_O o_O :err: o_O o_O

I need a vacation.
Tap_Legion2 said:
I think I could sleep for a 1,000 years....then I can be called Tap_Van_Winkle2 in/on the next milleniums forum board....Maybe I shouldnt sleep , or The Invasion Of The BodySnatcher pod things will get me......Just one more helmet to do and I can veg for about half a week......

o_O o_O :err: o_O o_O

I need a vacation.

Life is rough when you are so in demand Tommy! :p Hey, any chance you can share some of your recent helmets here with us? It sounds like you've earned a vacation :kickass: so, where are ya going? Tahiti?
I wish I could afford a vacation.....I'm hoping to go to Pennsylvania sometime this summer/early Fall so I can catch a Steelers practice or game and then visit the Frank Frazetta museum.

I'll have lots of stuff up soon after I make the move into a new place this weekend...I can't wait....

I finally get, after all these years , a studio that includes a sink and stained concrete floors....woohoo !