I'm scared!!!


used by sadness
Jun 7, 2002
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Do you people think that I could make it to a gig??? The problem is that I dunno the songs and I will listen to them for the first time on the 22th of this month, and the gig is the first of august.
I'm scared, plus is my first gig in London.
yeh man, you play bass, hehe its not like you play anything important like guitar or sumthin heheh :p ;) If anything just pull a Michael Anthony bass line like in "Running with the Devil" by Van Halen lol
be afraid b'cuz then you hopefully will stay a lot more focused..
I don't know u but I hate sometimes that I'm not afraid enough
to care all that... Especially in front of exams..
ragnarok - i play bass too and i havent even completed my first year...well, i felt much more anxious than you did, but...EVERYTHING WENT PERFECT ON MY FIST GIG. of course there were some mistakes, our drummer fucked up here and there but still, when you get into the atmosphere on stage and if the audience is good, then no one can stop you. and well, lets face it, after all it's just BASS. especially if you are doing metal, it's alright. but if you are doing something like jazz or funk, then good luck to you. and that time is more than enough for you to get ready.
Aaww, thats the cutest!

Dont be scared though! Just have fun with it...
And if all else fails and the crowd are just standing around, bribe them with a free cd... :lol: ;)
It works though..!