I'm so fucking bored.

so I am spending the whole morning sending out emails to get our employees' emergency contact numbers.


I wish my lesbian ex-cubemate was here.

MFJ: I'm copying The Allman Brothers Live at the Atlanta International Pop Festival for you. July 1970 Day Two: a 28 minute "Mountain Jam" with Johnny Winter!

and Adrian, you'll be glad to know that inspired by you I had two bean burritos for dinner and now I'm farting up a storm. luckily I'm the only person in my cube today.

note: phew,,,,the tard cleaning guy just walked past and didn't call me "guitar man". he must have been waved off by the fumes.
Jesus destroys evil ninjas.
jeez...I'm no Rave fan, but this is fucking ridiculous.

Witnesses say undue force used at rave

Rashae Ophus Johnson DAILY HERALD

Firsthand accounts conflict so starkly that one might wonder whether law enforcement busted two separate events last weekend in Spanish Fork Canyon. Yet the Diamond Fork-area location is among few details confirmed by both the roughly 300 partygoers and about 90 law enforcement personnel who dispelled them at 11:30 p.
m. Saturday.

Uprock Records of Salt Lake City promoted the event as an "album-release party" on fliers and Internet sites like www.utrave.org. In addition to live performances by DJ Craze of Miami and Spor from the United Kingdom, the party featured typical highlights like a laser light show, barbecue, oxygen bar and glow sticks.

Undercover deputies and SWAT members depict a rave with rampant illegal activity. Beyond the anticipated drugs -- ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana, mushrooms -- they discovered counterfeit money, guns and an overdosed 17-year-old girl.

But where the stories drastically diverge is the raid.

The Utah County Sheriff's Office reported 18 citations for disorderly conduct, failure to disperse or related charges; 21 alcohol- or drug-related offenses; two for assaulting a peace officer; and two related to firearms. Sheriff Jim Tracy said most of the crowd left peacefully, and deputies exercised a "takedown method" only to arrest those who actively resisted.

Witnesses, however, allege "soldiers" and SWAT members held "AK-47s" to partygoers' heads, punched girls in the face and unleashed an arsenal of everything from attack dogs to tear gas.

"At about 11:30 a helicopter began circling the party," said one partygoer in an e-mail to the Daily Herald. "Out of nowhere huge semis filled with National Guard, SWAT and the police rolled up. Soldiers came out of the bushes and rushed down to the party carrying M-16s, AK-47s, nightsticks and Tasers. They proceeded to attack random people and push their might around on people who had done nothing."

Partygoers and rave fans worldwide are circulating video footage through the Internet to support such claims -- while Tracy used the same clips to defend law enforcement.

"No excessive force was used," he said emphatically.

The SWAT personnel -- including teams from Utah County, Provo, the state Department of Corrections and the Department of Public Safety -- are always prepared with a wide arsenal of riot-fighting gear, including tear gas and canines, but Tracy said they did not use any such weapons Saturday night. The tactical gear is camouflaged similar to military fatigues, but neither the National Guard nor any other military was present.

Josh Witbeck, one of the security staff hired by organizers for the event, has interacted with police at several similar events during three years as a bouncer in Salt Lake-area nightclubs, but police hostility, like he said he observed Saturday night, is rare.

"I was trying to keep the crowds as calm as possible. I knew better than to interfere with the cops, but we all got treated pretty poorly," he said. "I'm not going to place all the blame on the police, but they treated every person here like a criminal."

Tracy said a primary issue was promoters did not obtain the mass gathering permit required by Utah County for events with more than 250 people. To do so would have required at least 30 days notice and approval from the sheriff's office. County officials acknowledged that organizers did receive a health permit regulating such aspects as portable toilets and on-site emergency medical personnel.

Brandon Fullmer, manager of the Uprock Records company that promoted the event, argues that he also obtained the mass gathering permit. He said authorities were denying him a copy of it for proof, but a county official agreed to write a letter verifying it.

"We were not there to start any problems," Fullmer said. "What the cops did was wrong."

Regardless, Utah County authorities defended the raid.

"That's all smoke and mirrors," said County Commissioner Steve White. "They were selling drugs. They were committing illegal acts, and as soon as that happened it doesn't matter what kind of permit they had."

So while Fullmer is consulting his attorney about a possible lawsuit, local law enforcement vow to crack down on the increasingly popular raves.

"There's a legal way to do this, and there's the illegal," Tracy said. "If young folks want to get together and listen to music and dance, we don't care if they go about it the legal way."

Tracy said they are monitoring the Internet, searching for fliers and dispatching helicopters on reconnaissance missions over Utah Valley to locate such gatherings before they expand to thousands of people -- beyond what law enforcement can control.

"If they're going to run one on a Wednesday night, we'll find it," he said. "We will ensure we find them and have them curtailed before they ever get to that point."

Turkmen President Bans Lip Synching, Citing 'Negative Effect on the Develpoment of Singing'
The Associated PressThe Associated Press

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan Aug 23, 2005 — He has outlawed opera and ballet and railed against long hair and gold teeth, but now Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov is determined to wipe out another perceived scourge: lip synching.

Niyazov has ordered a ban on lip synching performances across the tightly controlled Central Asian nation, citing "a negative effect on the development of singing and musical art," the president's office said Tuesday.

"Unfortunately, one can see on television old voiceless singers lip-synching their old songs," Niyazov told a Cabinet meeting in comments broadcast on state TV on Tuesday. "Don't kill talents by using lip synching… Create our new culture."

Under Niyazov's order, lip synching is now prohibited at all cultural events, concerts, on television and at private celebrations such as weddings.

Niyazov has led the former Soviet republic for 20 years, creating a vast personality cult around himself and issuing decrees regulating behavior in all walks of life.

In 2001, Niyazov banned opera and ballet as not corresponding with the national mentality. Last year, he called for young people not to get gold tooth caps and urged authorities to crack down on young men wearing beards or long hair.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
hooray for farting!

yeah i hate raves too but that's bullshit. that's also not uncommon, i'm not sure why so many people are freaking out.
aw fuck...of course the consumer is going to be the loser in this one.

DVD format war escalates as talks fail

Japanese electronics giants said on Tuesday they would go ahead with incompatible formats for next-generation DVDs after talks to reach a common standard failed.

The decision presents consumers with a choice much the same as when video cassettes came out in the 1970s. The duelling HD DVD and Blu-ray formats parallel the battle between Betamax and VHS and – a fight which Betamax eventually lost.

Next-generation DVDs, expected to hit the mass market late in 2006, are billed as offering cinematic quality images and new possibilities for interactive entertainment.

Sony's Blu-ray disc is expected to have a greater storage capacity but also be more expensive to make, at least in the short term, as the format has greater differences from current-generation DVDs.
Software schedule

Toshiba, maker of the HD DVD (High Density Digital Versatile Disc), said it was still in talks with Blu-ray designer Sony to find a common format but in the absence of an agreement it was going to push ahead with production of its own format.

“[We are] planning to launch our first HD DVD products by the end of 2006. To do that, we have to start production of software for it by the end of August," a Toshiba spokeswoman said.

"We have not set a time limit for the talks" on a common standard, she added, “but we have not reached any concrete agreement yet". A Sony spokesman said future negotiations would be held if there was "an opportunity for it".

But the Sony spokesman was bullish about Blu-ray becoming the "single standard". He said: "We have focused on improving our format with many technological breakthroughs. It is desirable that the market has a single format for the next-generation DVD. So Blu-ray has improved itself so that all firms will support the format."
Multi-functional hardware

After three years of fighting, the two sides agreed in April to study compatibility to prevent a scenario in which future Sony discs do not work on Toshiba players, or vice versa.

But even if consumers have headaches when next-generation DVDs first hit mainstream stores, analysts note that the electronics industry has become more sophisticated since VHS and Betamax.

"In the digital era, it is easier for hardware to become multi-functional. It is different from the analogue period, like with video formats," said Osamu Hirose, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Research Center.

"The difference between the two formats are things such as pickups and laser wavelength. Eventually, multi-functional DVD players should be able to overcome the difference. Consumers will only have to wait a little until that time comes," he said.

Some electronics firms, including Paris-based Thomson, have said they would support both HD DVD and Blu-ray formats. Supporters of the Blu-ray technology include Apple Computer, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Samsung Electronics.

Among the Hollywood studios, Walt Disney and Sony Pictures Entertainment back Blu-ray, while HD DVD supporters include Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures and Warner Brothers Studios.
no no what i meant is that i've seen a lot of people acting like this brutality is something new, i've heard of many raves where the same shit goes down.

doesn't mean it's okay you fucker, i'm just not shocked is all. :loco:
lizard said:
MFJ: I'm copying The Allman Brothers Live at the Atlanta International Pop Festival for you. July 1970 Day Two: a 28 minute "Mountain Jam" with Johnny Winter!


AWESOME! Thanks much man! It's funny because my Dad was telling me about the Mountain Jam this morning but he didn't really want to give his CD up because I usually take forever to return them. :Spin:

Intro 1:04
Statesboro Blues 6:05
Trouble No More 4:05
Don't Keep Me Wonderin' 3:49
Every Hungry Woman 4:31
Hoochie Coochie Man 5:29
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed 11:35
Whipping Post 14:47
Mountain Jam Pt 1 10:35
/rain delay
Mountain Jam Pt II 6:51


Intro 1:10
Don't Keep Me Wonderin' 4:04
Statesboro Blues 4:25
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed 13:13
Stormy Monday 9:03
Whipping Post 14:23
Mountain Jam 28:19
I'm not sure, but I remember listening to a really fucking long track called "Mountain Jam" from his CD on the way to New Hampshire one time... I'll ask him.
everytime i ask myself "self, why don't you have any allman brothers albums?" i answer "BECAUSE YOU'RE A FAG" and then i cry a little.

i saw that new kid they have a few weeks ago on vh1 or something, that dude totally smokes. those dudes can do the neverending jam like nobody else, it never gets old!