Imaginareum Review by a Nighwish fan


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
This is my interpretation of the album song by song after listening to the orchestral version first, and then two or three listens to the the regular cd, and it took me most of the weekend to write it. Now up front I am a Nightwish fan boy and have been since 2000, so this may seem a little biased, but hey it's my opinion.

"Imaginaerum” the new album by Nightwish can be best described as a sonic journey through the main character’s imagination that tempts the listeners to open theirs. There are songs that combine strange, bold, daring, sensual, outrageous, and above all epic elements. The songwriting and musicianship of the Finnish/Swedish quintet simply gets better with age. The band has an ability to progress within themselves. The music on this release will most likely test the boundaries of most fan’s expectations.

“Taikatalvi,” which Tuomas has described as the first ever intro song by Nightwish. It is sung in Finnish by Marco, who has an underrated vocal style that has him being one of the most sought after quest male vocalists. The song commences with the foreboding sound of a music box winding up the album for the rollers coaster ride to come.

“Storytime” the first single from the albumic has more of the typical Nightwish sound that most fans expect. The riffs have that heavy crunch as The band sets the sound levels clear past 11. As soon as Anette Olzen begins to sing, You can tell she seems much more comfortable on this release. She still sounds “cute” in contrast to years of the contra alto operatic vocal style of Tarja, but any shortcoming she may have is made up for with pure pizazz and sensuality. Anette really lets her hair down on this album. This album was made for her vocal style and there are even songs on here that I cannot imagine Tarja singing.

“Ghost River” takes a slight turn which can only be labeled as controlled chaos. Once the verse kicks in and Marco takes a slightly harsher vocal approach, it takes a minute before you can understand the direction. Once the chorus kicks, the song opens up and you realize that this is one of the most interesting songs the band has ever written.

“Slow, Love, Slow” is like transporting back to an undergound gin joint during prohibition. During the slow piano infused jazz number, you can envision Anette sprawled out on a piano in the smoke filled gin joint. An infectious and sensual ballad, the song tests and breaks down the nearly limitless boundaries of Nightwish. The song ends with 30 seconds of clock ticking, like a timer to one of the album’s best tracks.

“I Want My Tears Back” starts with Marco/Anette belting out the chorus of a typically huge Nightwish anthem. Just when you expect a driving guitar riff, Troy Donockley (on Uilleann pipes) and Dennot Crehan(Hardanger fiddle) hits you with the melody. The combo of Donockley/Creham return for a solo sounding a bit like Nightwish playing during a performance of Riverdance or as musical backdrop for the scene from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" where Snow White dances with the dwarfs pure Disney.

“Scaretale” is a scarey gripping tale that is one defining tracks on the album that represents these immensely talented musicians. The song begins with a movie score intro morphing into a flashy and very crunchy section, but then ruptures into what sounds like a narrated nightmare come to life. Anette, who is the hosts of the nightmare, really elevates her vocal delivery into what could be called "scarey". The highest point of the song comes at 3:58 until 5:32 , where Marco sings the part of the carnival barker as the band does a musical interlude reminiscent of a Tim Burton musical. Then back to movie score and the crunchy heavy section with Marco and Anette dueting again. This song has to be one of the band’s best achievements and one of my favorites from the album

“Arabesque” is a bombastic instrumental with elements drawn from classical movie scores, and Middle Eastern elements. It is a thrilling score with incredible drum beats that could be the movie score for a movie like "Lawerance Of Arabia" or "Prince of Persia" or it could be he intro to some really crunchy power metal song, but it actually does good as a stand alone song. It really shows that Jukka Nevalanian is more than a one dimensional drummer he is a true precussionist.

“Turn Loose the Mermaids” sounds like the sequel to “The Islander,” All the elements are there, the sea, the folk style, but Anette alone on vocals. The whistling portion adds more a Celtic folk touch to the mix in my opinion.

“Rest Calm” is anything but. One of the albums heaviest numbers. To me this song could have been on a Tarot album but with Marco and Anette sharing and dueting in a seven minute song that takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride switching back and forth from the heavy verses to the quieter and calmer chorus. i have to say their duets are really, really good, even better on this song than others. Emppu provides some really good riffs throughout the entire song, again i will say he is underrated as a guitar player. At the 4:40 mark Marc's vocals will stn you and give you goose bumps. The addition of the boys’ choir adds a nice touch.

"The Crow, the Owl and the Dove" This song makes a strong case to be one of the best tracks on this album. Marco and Anette’s duets in this song are nothing short of remarkable, and stirring and Haunting. You can tell this will be a fan favorite and one of the band’s most accessible songs. Every aspect of this song works. I especially love the whistle in the background, reminds me a little of the cedar flutes of John Two Hawks.

“Last Ride of the Day” How do you say this without causing a ruckus among fans, but to me this is the most Nightwish sounding song of the album, it’s an up tempo cruncher sung beautifully by Anette while a haunting choir chants behind her on the chorus. Marco's backing vocals are enought to send chills down your spine especially at the 2:50 mark. Again Emppu does some good shredding towrd the end. Reminds me of what Tuomas said of this song, the last roller coaster ride before the park closes.

“Song Of Myself” is a thirteen minute opus that has soaring choirs and enchanting music, with some good riffs by Erno. Again Anette feels totally at ease with this song, and the duets with Marco are again remarkable. Even with the second half of the song comprising of mostly narration, guess the narration has to be there for the movie, i like the music behind the narration it is perfectly fine as is.

“Imaginaerum,” a classical “wrap up” of the album in movie score style. It was created by Pip Williams and adapted from the music created by Tuomas. it is really a nice way to end the album, kinda of a tranquilizer after what you ears and senses have been put through.

Hope you enjoyed the review and I also hope you enjoyed the album as much as i did.

Nice review John!

While "Imaginaerum" CD will be released in the USA & Canada tomorrow Jan 10. 2012, here's some good news from Germany posted on the band's website today:

NIGHTWISH - Gold in good old Germany

NIGHTWISH are proud to announce, that "Imaginaerum" has reached gold status in Germany, with more than 100.000 sold units.

Bandleader Tuomas Holopainen comments: "Germany never fails us! Only 5 weeks since the release and "Imaginaerum“ goes gold! Magical, wondrous, imaginative and grateful times we`re living. Huge thanks to all the fans and the fellowship of Nuclear Blast!"

Another gold level was reached in Greece, while the record already made triple platinum in their homecountry Finland.

But there are even more news to announce from Germany: also their former records "Once" has reched a triple gold level, and "Dark Passion Play" reached platinum!


Edit: The news has been posted on Blabbermouth also.


It really shows that Jukka Nevalanian is more than a one dimensional drummer he is a true precussionist.

Anyone who ever thought Jukka was a one dimensional drummer is a one dimensional thinker. Jukka is one of the best drummers in metal.

“Turn Loose the Mermaids” sounds like the sequel to “The Islander,” All the elements are there, the sea, the folk style, but Anette alone on vocals. The whistling portion adds more a Celtic folk touch to the mix in my opinion.

Celtic Folk? You're from Texas, how do you not hear John Wayne Standoff?
Anyone who ever thought Jukka was a one dimensional drummer is a one dimensional thinker. Jukka is one of the best drummers in metal.

Agree 150%

Celtic Folk? You're from Texas, how do you not hear John Wayne Standoff
Went back and relistened to the orchestral version, and I stand corrected, your right there is that "Spaghetti Western" sound to it, more so than a folk element.
Okay, today is the offical USA release date, if you haven't gotten it yet, good a time as any.
Out of sheer open-mindedness, I listened to the record on spotify today. I wouldn't call myself a "hater" (because hating imo takes too much energy), but I'd call myself a nightwish "strong disliker." "Slow, Love, Slow" and the latter half of "Scaretale" in my opinion is the band at its best. The thin riffless chugging guitars buried underneath the huge orchestrations and oversaturated keyboards does nothing for me, but when they get into cabaret/swing/crazy carnival mode and the guitars are absent alltogether I actually dig it. Reminds me of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum.

2 cents.
“Storytime” the first single from the albumic has more of the typical Nightwish sound that most fans expect. The riffs have that heavy crunch as The band sets the sound levels clear past 11. As soon as Anette Olzen begins to sing, You can tell she seems much more comfortable on this release. She still sounds “cute” in contrast to years of the contra alto operatic vocal style of Tarja, but any shortcoming she may have is made up for with pure pizazz and sensuality. Anette really lets her hair down on this album. This album was made for her vocal style and there are even songs on here that I cannot imagine Tarja singing.

Listening to the album finally, this songs's chorus is so abba esque, melody the tone of her voice etc. Abba metal from Nightwish! Admittedly pretty cool :D
Bought the mp3's from Amazon this morning. Been listening to it all day. Well, about five times so far. I'm enjoying it. I plan to order the physical copy with all the instrumentals later. This would be a hell of a good show to see live.
As Imaginaerum was officially released today in North America, Roadrunner Records has an made interview with Tuomas for the fans.

JAN 10. 2012 ROADRUNNER EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Nightwish's Tuomas Holopainen
On January 21, you’re doing a one-off show in Los Angeles. Will that be a full performance of the album? What are you planning?
We just finished a three-day rehearsal here. We just finished about three hours ago. We had a dress rehearsal for that show here in Helsinki. No, we’re not going to play the album from beginning to end. I never liked that idea, of any band doing that with a new album. For some reason, I just don’t like it. So basically we are just mixing up new songs with the old songs. I would say maybe 50 percent of the show will be songs from Imaginaerum, and the other half from the older albums.

And is that what you’re planning for the larger tour, to present a large amount of new material?
Yeah, it’s called the Imaginaerum World Tour, we want to play the new songs. These are the songs we’ve never played before, so we want to do them, we want to promote the album and it just feels natural to put a lot of emphasis on the new songs. But we’ll never forget the old catalog as well.

(to read the whole interview, follow the link above)

You remember the rumor concerning the identity of "Rubber Band of Wolves" who'll play Thu Jan 19. 2012 at Key Club on Sunset Blvd in LA ???

Happens so that Nightwish will *coincidentally* have a signing session on the next day at Sound Check Hollywood located only a block or two east of the Key Club :cool:

Nightwish Doing In-Store In Hollywood January 20. 2012

Come meet Nightwish for a CD signing at Sound Check Hollywood on Friday January 20 at 6 PM! Stop by the store starting Tuesday, January 10 to pick up the new album Imaginaerum and get a wristband which guarantees your access to meet the band.


Event starts at 6 PM
Sound Check Hollywood
8872 Sunset Blvd.
W. Hollywood, CA 90069 apparently I'm the only one who's been hating Nightwish more and more with each of their last few releases just because of how bad the drums suck??

I know their drummer is capable of playing some really good intricate stuff, but it seems like about 85% of their music he just plays that exact same lifeless ~150 bpm 4/4 beat. It sounds like someone who has no idea what metal is supposed to sound like! Play it fast or play it slow, but the medium old-school rock sound just doesn’t fit! :bah:

It pisses me off to no end how many amazing songs that guy has ruined with that lame beat! I really wanted to come in and rant about how Nightwish's drummer needs to be shot and replaced by someone with a lot more creativity and some idea what metal drums are supposed to sound like, then I read somewhere that the guy used to try and write better stuff and kept getting shot down by the band, so he just went to playing the same lame beat in every song. Now I don't know who to blame. :p

My pre-order from amazon finally came in, and I got to listen to the whole record. I find myself wincing at the intro to each song waiting for that horrible beat to kick in. The songs that use something different are a nice relief; but more often than not, even in this new "masterpiece" release, most of the songs are just completely ruined by the horrible drums...

I really wanted to like this new record, and hopefully I will after a few more listens, but I gotta say the first play-through was a truly painful ordeal for me. :(
Wow, I really don't understand this at all. I'm pretty sure Nightwish has becomes something more or less a band outside of the metal genre, but to openly say Jukka is bad or that his drumming is boring on the past few albums? Are we listening to the same band? I don't know anything about drums, but after having watched a LOT of drummers play, I'd have to say Jukka is one of my favorites.
Me either, He must be listening to a different band, i don't hear 85% of his drumming being the same old same old, i hear none of what he says. Having seen Jukka many times i can tell you he is amazing live, and one of my favorites also.
I finally got around to playing this album and I find myself enjoying it more and more after each time through. I love the male vocals on Ghost River and Slow, Love, Slow is pretty captivating as well. The whole album has sucked me in. I'm impressed.
I picked up a copy of this tonight at Best Buy (it also includes the instrumental disk). I'll have to put it on when this Morton album is done.

EDIT: Okay, I finally got to listen to this. Holy mother of God and all things Green! This album just sounds totally unreal on my rig! This is just absolutely INCREDIBLE! Fuck all the naysayers! This album is definitely a masterpiece in every definition of the word. This will also be a reference disk to use when testing out high-end audio rigs. Now, looking forward to hearing the second, instrumental, disk.
I picked up a copy of this tonight at Best Buy (it also includes the instrumental disk). I'll have to put it on when this Morton album is done.

EDIT: Okay, I finally got to listen to this. Holy mother of God and all things Green! This album just sounds totally unreal on my rig! This is just absolutely INCREDIBLE! Fuck all the naysayers! This album is definitely a masterpiece in every definition of the word. This will also be a reference disk to use when testing out high-end audio rigs. Now, looking forward to hearing the second, instrumental, disk.

Then after you listen to the instrumental disk, go back and listen to the regular disk, you will get a different perspective, in fact even better perspective.
Nightwish is dead, long live Nightwish. I enjoy this album more than the previous, because they realized that they are no longer the same band that they were with Tarja. This has some good songs, that I can enjoy listening to. I enjoy the variety, though the jazz lounge number is still on the table as to what I think. As a jazz fan, I have this immediate reaction to any metal band trying to sound jazzy suddenly, because often they use very generic scales to make it very obvious that it is 'jazz'.
Imaginaerum has entered the American billboard charts at #27 ! In Japan it entered the international chart at #7 ! These are the highest entries ever for a Nightwish album in these countries.