

Mar 18, 2002
I just picked up Crunch at a used CD store - and HOLY CRAP this is awesome!

I can't believe I've never picked up anything from them before, especially the ones with Rob Rock singing. Man this is good stuff!

Anyone know if Grin and Bear It is as good as Crunch? Is it worth picking up also? The used store had that one also, and I might go back and get it.
I just picked up Crunch at a used CD store - and HOLY CRAP this is awesome!

I can't believe I've never picked up anything from them before, especially the ones with Rob Rock singing. Man this is good stuff!

Anyone know if Grin and Bear It is as good as Crunch? Is it worth picking up also? The used store had that one also, and I might go back and get it.

"Grin and Bear It" is MUCH MUCH softer and more melodic. The only real standout track on that one for me is "Ball and Chain" but it's more akin to a 1993 hard rock song.

If you can get "Answer to the Master", it will blow your fucking mind. Best Impelliteri album by a longshot!
Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunaetly for me, it looks like Answer to the Master is OOP and extremely expensive to get a hold of. I will keep my eyes peeled though.
Awesome to see that there are so many different opinions on which album is the best Impellitteri disc. Usually everyone agrees which album of band X is the best one.

I'd say "Stand In Line" (classic Graham Bonnet material) and "Screaming Symphony" (I think this is Rob Rock's best performance ever).
Never got into Impelliteri very much but I have a friend who loves the stuff. From his experiences that I know, Impellitteri CDs are pretty hard to come by and when you do find them, they are fairly pricey.
Whoa, that's Rob Rock on Screaming Symphony? I'm now an instant Rob Rock Fan! FATHER FORGIVE THEM!! I occasionally play that song, and promptly start crying (from shame at not being able to play it) when I hear the run at 2:30 into that song.
Ironically, Crunch was the CD I lost because it was in my car cd player when I got hit head on and spent 2 weeks in the hospital last April... I think the lesson for me here is to not listen to cds in my car that even remotely suggest high speed impacts.
I agree. For a little heavier Impellitteri, try "Pedal to the Metal". Curtis Skelton is on vocals, nice change of pace even though I'm a huge Rob Rock fan.

I didn't like that one at all. Skelton is no Rob Rock, but he does the job fine. The music is just not as good as on other albums.

My faves are Screaming Symphony, Eye Of The Hurricane and System X (with Bonnet on vox).

Can't wait to hear the new one!!
I didn't like that one at all. Skelton is no Rob Rock, but he does the job fine. The music is just not as good as on other albums.

My faves are Screaming Symphony, Eye Of The Hurricane and System X (with Bonnet on vox).

Can't wait to hear the new one!!

I'll have to throw System X back in as I remember not liking that one all that much.