Important Announcement about Jan 29/Feb 2 Issues of LotFP Weekly...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

I wasn't able to get the work done in Florida this past week that I wanted to around the family situation (if you want details on why I was down there, email me and I'm sure you'll understand), so here's what's going to happen...

The February 2 issue will be a combined #15/16 issue, 16 pages, containing the Opeth interview, the FULL 4.5 hour Dan Swanö interview, plus all the reviews and various stuff that was supposed to be in the January 29 issue.

Because it will be a truly double-sized issue, it will could as 2 issues on your subscription... but it allows people an extra week to get the Opeth interview that would have missed it if it had shipped already...

I know this is bad timing on this (my subscriber base DOUBLED upon announcing the Opeth and Swanö interviews so half my subscribers are having their first experience with me being a late issue), but hell, you'll all get every page you paid for and as of Feb 2, we'll be all caught up.

Thanks for your understanding... I'm now part of that infusion to your subscriber base that will have their first LotFP experience come in the form of a late issue, huh?


You do what you have to do and that's all there is to it. Family first. Anyone who doesn't get that can go play in traffic.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for the double issue's arrival...

Hope all is well....

I can't wait :) The last issue got here last week, and it was great. Can't wait for the Opeth and Swano bumper double issue :o :grin: