Important Announcement For Metal Fans!!!

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
Visit site
Well it is an announcement but anyway...

You all like metal correct? If not, what the fuck are you doing here :mad:

I am a member of my college radio station here in binghamton (or as my friends and i call "Bling Blinghamton) and TOMMOROW AT 7PM-10PM EST I WILL BE ON THE RADIO!!!

GO TO and click on LISTEN.

I will be having my show and i might get a few friends to stop by too and will be a good time for all. I will be playing a ton of prog and some power and some other stuff as well. Not to toot my own horn but I am hilarious as well and put on an excellent show.

i used caps to get attention :grin:
Conception? Fuck no. I hate them :grin: Especially that stooooopid album In Your Multitude.

7pm-10pm EST click on listen

Come on everyone should listen. Its not like any of you have girlfriends or lives or anything like that...

It will be a good time for ALL!!!

Should i post what i plan on playing? or leave it a big ol' surprise?
This may just be me, but you can't go wrong with some Ayreon.

Dawn of a Million Souls, most notably. ;)