Important SymX related question!!!


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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Hey all. Some of you remember me as that asshole who used to post here. Haha, i'm back bitches!

Since i've been out of the loop for some time, i've got some important questions...

What's everyone's favorite beer? Currently, i'm rockin' the Alaskan Amber (don't know how far it's exported, but it's good). I also like the St. Pauli girl shit, but when i'm on a buget, it's rolling rock all the way. What do you all drink?:headbang:
It doesn't matter how white you are, anybody can laugh at the antics of Dave Chepelle.

Seriously though, I just go with whoever gets the drinks. So far, Bud's been my personal favorite.
Lindeman's Kriek for beer. I got hooked on it while I was in Belgium. Stella Artois takes honorable mention. Hard liquor I'd say black label Johnny Walker.
Zach (zack?)! You left right as I joined. We went to the same high school. I was a freshman when you were a senior, but I was friends with James farley, and Tyler, Tom and Matt. I don't drink, but I just thought I'd say that.