Impressions on fixed bridges


Jul 31, 2005
St. Louis, MO
I'm not 14 anymore and I finally realised that despite having a guitar with a floyd rose bridge for about 5 or 6 years, I don't actually use it. My next guitar's will be fixed, so, I come before you asking for suggestions/feelings/impressions on different kinds and brands of fixed bridges - which hold tuning better, sound better, well, your personal experiences regarding them.

That's all, thank you.
Sorry I cant be more detailed but I have a Les Paul, Strat and an ES... they all have fixed bridges and they all hold tuning very well and sound great yada yada...i had a squire strat with a floyd rose that gave me nothing but problems so its fixed bridges all the way for me...From my experience there really isnt too much difference between the varieties I own...