in advance


all the way
Dec 30, 2001
are there people who would travel to see anathema, this winter/next year?

I might go to Greece. and Instanbul if they'd hit there. fuck me. I cant leave it. i havent figured it out yet if it is for the food or the band... :Spin:

btw I'm fucking hungry now o_O damn belgian kitchen
beheee that might be a major problem though, the money..... :( but I'm already keeping some money aside, so it may happen. no-one? bah.
i had fucken frappe there. and i even liked it a bit :erk:
the froth on it wasnt tasty though, but the coffee itself was nice... hehe
after i heard the bus price from here to thesseloniki, m definitely not missing any other concert in greece, be it antimatter, anathema or anything. as long as i can manage my time, i'm ready to travel 20 hours on land to go to greece. cheers, mates!
thanks a lot dude but im not middle class enough for that either. working class blokes never borrow money. thanks tho.
Don Corleone said:
after i heard the bus price from here to thesseloniki, m definitely not missing any other concert in greece, be it antimatter, anathema or anything. as long as i can manage my time, i'm ready to travel 20 hours on land to go to greece. cheers, mates!

well so we might meet sooner then expected :loco:
thats me there like