In Flames at Wacken (almost full concert)

Reroute to Remain... what a strange song to pull out at a festival :D I quite like it as a song, so it's all gravy, just an odd choice.

Anders cleans are so bad, he should really think about putting in more backing tracks to cover it up. I don't think anybody would mind.

Quite sad that nothing from 1994 - 1999 is represented, considering the size of the set, but with such amazing metal masterpieces as Delight and Angers & The Mirror's Truth available to select from I guess that's understandable. :rolleyes:

Their set up is kind of cool, I guess. I preferred them when they were simpler, though.
This is interesting at least because the Death Growl is Anders' predominant vocal style, so even though the setlist is not fantastic it's kind of like hearing what the post-Reroute albums would have sounded like had Anders not opted for the higher vocals.