In flames private signing session

Lost Wisdom

The Lovely Seagull
May 21, 2002
From tomorrow Friday October 4th TotalRock will be running a competition to be one of the special people invited to a private signing session with In Flames and Soilwork.
You'll get a bag full of goodies too, get your stuff signed and have a little chat with the guys.
The signing session will be at the venue before the gig (sometime in the afternoon, to be confirmed) so you don't have to travel around London

Is that good or what?
And all you have to do is answer this simple question:
How many studio albums have In Flames recorded with the current line up?

Sooooo easy!
Send your answers with name and telephone number (we need every name of the people there as it is a limited
invitation) to:

Good Luck!:)