IN FLAMES Restaurant '2112' Featured In Latest Episode Of 'Sam Dunn's Metal Journeys'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
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Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Two members of the Swedish metal band IN FLAMESPeter Iwers (bass) and Björn Gelotte (guitar) — are partners in a restaurant in their hometown of Gothenburg with a focus on "quality and service." Named 2112 as a tribute to RUSH's "2112" album, the establishment had its grand opening in April 2011 and is featured in the new episode of BangerTV's "Sam Dunn's Metal Journeys". Sam meets the manager of 2112 and tries one of the signature burgers: The Number Of The Beast, described as "666 grams of any prime rib burger for all you little beasts who are a little bit hungrier than the rest of us mortals. DO YOU DARE?" Other burgers on the menu include Smoke On The Water, Hell Awaits and In Flames. In an interview with, Iwers stated about the decision to open Restaurant 2112: "We spent plenty of time thinking about it, looking at possible locations and learning the business side of things. Once we were prepared and knew we could open it, me, Björn and two other guys just went for it. We took it step by step, and although it was a lot harder than we ever expected it to be, we didn't rush anything. We've got people there who run it for us, and as soon as we're home, then we go straight to the restaurant and we help out. We do anything that needs to be done and on most occasions we're out as the host for all of the parties that come in. There are two parts to it, [the restaurant and also the pub section]. It's not one of these places that you need to wear a suit and tie, and it's also not a rock 'n' roll place either; [it's] something for everyone to enjoy." Asked what made him and Björn decide on fine dining, Peter said: "A couple of different reasons, actually. When we're out on tour and someone invites you to a place, it always ends up being a rock 'n' roll bar with loud music and clouded in smoke. After a show, I don't want that, I want a hotel bar which is quiet and I can just sit and relax; you know, the piano-and-champagne-type bar [laughs]. I just want to unwind after a show. Another reason is that I enjoy going out with my friends, having something to eat, a few drinks and talk away for the rest of the night, but most places in Sweden close at eleven, so you have to move on to somewhere else. You keep moving round places, but unless you're quick, then they are full and you end up at the loud rock bar anyway. So we decided that we would combine the two and give you a place that you can sit for a long time and dine, enjoy incredible food and drink at affordable prices, and then just move onto the pub area to continue a nice relaxing evening. "In the beginning, we had two different menus, but we then just made it the same menu so depending on how you feel and where you are, you will still be able to get the same good food and drinks." "If you were to be there on a Saturday night, then you would notice that it is interesting, because we have a mix of people in IRON MAIDEN t-shirts and then guys in their fifties with their suits and ties on, but everyone mixes perfectly, they all enjoy it and it is very calm, the perfect atmosphere and exactly what we wanted." Regarding the restaurant's name, 2112, Iwers said: "I think it was one of the other guys who came up with it; his name is Martin. It is a really clean name and we all happen to love RUSH. "We spent a while talking about what we would call it, because the name is extremely important; people get a feeling of what your restaurant or bar will be like from the name, and if we called it In Flames Bar, then people would think instantly that it was a metal place or somewhere dark and dungeon-like, maybe a bit twisted with people on flames or something stupid. The name though was clean and then the decoration brings out the rock 'n' roll vibe, which is helped with some paintings and we plan to add some guitars and things. So when he said, 'What about '2112', from RUSH?' we thought about some other restaurants that have all numbers or letter/number combinations and it just worked very well. If you know about RUSH, then it's awesome, but if you don't know about RUSH, then it still comes across as a neat name." "Sam Dunn's Metal Journeys" follows documentary filmmaker Sam Dunn as he travels the world exploring the global metal community. It continues the mission Banger Films began with its 2008 feature documentary "Global Metal": to examine what metal means in different cultures by meeting with the musicians and other passionate metalheads who've devoted their lives to this music. Banger Films' documentaries include two on heavy metal, 2006's "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" and 2008's "Global Metal", 2010's "Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage" and 2009's "Iron Maiden: Flight 666", as well as the TV documentary miniseries "Metal Evolution".

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