In honor of Phil Lynott


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Phil born on August 19, 1949 and died on January 4, 1986. He would be today 59 years old.

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It took me a long time to learn to appreciate Thin Lizzy, but they really had some great recordings.
Just like "Black Rose"... A rock legend! :worship:

One of the greatest artist in hard rock. Thin Lizzy created some of the best twin guitar melodies ever and influenced many other bands, specially Iron Maiden twin guitar sound.

Albums like "Jailbreak", "Johnny the fox", "Thunder and lightning" are simply amazing y some of their songs are so emotional :cry:: "Cowboy song", "Black rose", "Emerald", "Holy war"...

Phil = Genius
Thin Lizzy is one of my favorite bands. I had the incredible luck to see them live back in 1978 at the Pink Pop festival here in The Netherlands.

Phil Lynott will never be forgotten. R.I.P.
:kickass: .................................................................:kickass:

By the way has anybody read this book [ame][/ame] .I heard it`s good.
Never really got into them. Loved Jailbreak but I haven't listened to them much beyond that.

Someday I plan to go back and discover their discography. Too many people have really hyped the band up, and being a sykes fan, it's his only involvement I haven't heard.
Play some Thin Lizzy and some Grand Slam in memory of Phil, a man who left us too soon.

R.I.P. Phil