In honor of the_preppy complete randomness thread

1. I am reading "Love and Hate in Jamestown" about the early colonists. gawd this stuff is fun. passages like "John Martin suffers from the bloodey Fluxxe" just flow trippingly across my temporal lobes.

2. Preppy has received six offers for dates from jackals which are sensing her flagging energies, but apparently not from the hunky elevator repair man.

3. I drank like a fish last night and watched perhaps the worst ever "epic" movie, The Longest Day. dialogue like

John Wayne: "Is it broke, Doc?"
Doc: "Compound fracture, sir!"
John Wayne: "Put the boot back on and lace it up...tight!"

just completely blew. I broke three toes once and I was rolling around on the floor like the cannibal baby victim.

4. my agency won't pay for my A+ certification. :(