In Mourning - Monolith


Sep 7, 2007
Montreal, Canada
I just got into this bad this week, spinning both their records non-stop.
The production on Monolith is really amazing, the guitars have this nice analog feel and everything is so organic and dark.The atmosphere is just perfect. The drums are pretty much flawless too.

Does anyone have any details on this production? The wiki page is pretty much non existance and I'd really like to know who mixed this and stuff.
just checked these guys out. im diggin it!

found this on their label's page.

Recorded, mixed and mastered at Black Lounge Studio, Sweden (Carnal Forge, Scar Symmetry, Steel Attack, etc) with Scar Symmetry axe-man Jonas Kjellgren, and with the perfectly fitting style of introspect artist Travis Smith (Nevermore, Opeth, Strapping Young Lad, King Diamond, etc), “Monolith” is sonically and aesthetically lamenting, and will without a doubt be one of the pinnacle albums in 2010.
Yeah if you like this album, you should check out their previous one. Really great stuff, very reminiscent of Opeth.

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Both are really awesome! I tuned my guitar to Eb and I've been rocking out to Amnesia and Grand Denial for the past few days. Really fun songs to play.

Thanks for the production info! Here's the studio website: Lots of albums done there, I'm pretty surprised I've never heard about it before.