in my next life... i wanna be black

Tut Ankh Amon

I See You Masturbate!
Sep 26, 2002
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a yeah victor wooten and his biger bro from bass day 98 i think

pwnz0r! :headbang:
Cool! Saw Victor in Vermont last year, it was pretty bad ass! They arrived late so they did a jam for the sound-check since ppl were waiting for a long time already. More entertaining than the usual soundchecks... ;)

Think the line-up had 2 of his brothers.. one at the Guitar and one at the Keyboard. Not sure, I don't know him that much in fact...
In some parts his brother seemed to not really know what he was doing...
yeah that indeed looked like :)

but it doesn't matter he was Vic's guitar/bass teacher so i respect him any way