In need of advice on a cheap laptop recording solution...


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, I'm new to both the forum and the world of recording, though I've been getting a pretty decent basic crash course in CubaseSX2 from the other guitarist in my band, so I'm definately getting really into the recording thing.

Anyway, I do most of my cutting on my dad's computer, which has a zero latency sound card and lets me mic up my 5150 combo. However, he often needs it, so I'm left with only my older IBM thinkpad laptop to work with. In short, can any of you guys recommend the most economical and effective solution that would allow me to record to Cubase on the laptop without any micing? I'm thinking that an all in one USB thing (such as the Yamaha Magicstomp II or Line6 Guitar Port) is my best bet, but I also am open to a USB sound card/amp modeler combo (Anything from a Digitech Genesis to an ebay-ified POD). My price range is pretty much limited to $250 at the most.

Thanks a bunch!
Wow, I definately didn't know the PODxt had USB capability. So all I'd have to do is plug it in, set the input source on cubase to the USB port (or whatever it'd be designated as), and that'd be it? Sweet deal, thanks a lot man! :wave:
Yeah dude, the XT has USB, which would be pretty useful for your purposes. It has a reamp function that looks to be great, too. It can be found for around 250 on ebay(the regular, kidney version, not the rackmounted Pro).
Metaltastic said:
Wow, I definately didn't know the PODxt had USB capability. So all I'd have to do is plug it in, set the input source on cubase to the USB port (or whatever it'd be designated as), and that'd be it? Sweet deal, thanks a lot man! :wave:
I don't own a POD Xt yet, but from what I can gather from the Line 6 forums is that you will only be able to achieve 44/16 via USB.
Razorjack said:
If you have the latest firmware you should get it on all versions of the XT.
Well, I suppose the Pod Xt Pro can do 96/24 via USB. But my concern is not about the Pro.

I was asking for a comparison between the regular bean and the Live. So the 'all versions of the XT' serves no purpose because we all know that the Pod Xt Pro can do it best.

So if the 'regular' can do USB 48/24, then it is big wahoo!