In the heart of the Undergroud....Sombre Arcane


New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2009

Sombre Arcane is a Webzine dedicated to the artistic Dark movements (music, cinema, literature…), catalysed by one single element is "The Passion". So it is a Webzine by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.
Our main goal is to devote himself fully to all artistic activities so-called "Dark" behind the underground am about the place and space.
If you want to promote your achievements, support us, we criticize, or simply discuss a substantive exchange passionate, contact us, please!

Interview with Cobalt


On May 18, 2009 I had the privilege and honor to interview Erik Wunder, the drum master of Cobalt. He was one of the nicest down to earth guys I've ever met.

He kindly answered some questions and gave his thoughts on Gin’s evolution and Post Black Metal in general.
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Interview with Eosteric


The experimental doomestic graft came out once again strong like never before, from the trial that it has been through and with the incontrovertible opus that it's " the maniacl vale" that Esoteric elates us body and mind in a musical storm wich is original and personal..a model sincerity dedicated to a singular music that Creg Chandler (Vocals, and guitars) confides in the exceptionnel modest style … Read the Inreview

Interview with Ekove Efrits


Iranian Depressive Black Metal one-man’s band Ekove Efrits has allowed listeners around the globe with his first installment "Suicidal Rebirth". Our great friend Count de Efrit accepted to show us his mysterious world and his personal visions. I enjoyed conducting the interview and learned a few things about the artist's perspective of their fans and reasons for doing what they do.
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Interview Karl Sanders:


Real Good moments with Karl Sanders. I won’t bother saying much here, if you want to know more things about the big Saurian Exorcisms or to get some exclusive information about the Upcoming Nile…read this!

Interview Les Chants de Nihil


Décrire un groupe aussi particulier que Les Chants de Nihil s’avère en soi une épreuve singulière notamment en ce qui concerne le néant qui plane au dessus de leur première œuvre Les Six Leçons. Afin de dévoiler tous les mystères et l’hypnotisme marquant ces français, Jerry nous raconte l’histoire du groupe et la genèse de ses thématiques…Read the Interview

Interview Nocturnal Depression


Nocturnal Depression est un groupe français qui a toujours mis un point d’honneur à brouiller les pistes, autant dans leurs albums qu’à un niveau émotionnel. Jeune formation réduite à un duo (et quatre Live-Members), la corde donne naissance au successeur de Soundtrack for a Suicide - Opus II. Pas le temps de chômer pour ces travailleurs qui nous livrent une seconde offrande en 2008 présentant le sujet de cette Interview avec le compositeur H.Suizid.Read the Interview

Interview Tovarish


Let’s face every shit mind: this year we are cleanly not going to get another band that is engaged in our everyday problems more than ‘Tovarish’. Enough reasons for the Nihilistic Zine Sombre Arcane to support their first record. So, I just had to have a chat with these American guys and their experimental world.Read the Interview

Interview with Asklepia


Asklepia is a new Black metal band from Russia, they released their first album “lake of eternity” on 2008 with Rigorism records you can also check out their music on: or visit their official website : www.asklepia.6dp.ruRead the rest
Reviews (En)

Lifelover - Pulver


What a shock! It’s the first gift to my girlfriend that pops her eyes right out of her head! It is not hyperbolic to state that this material can rightfully claim to have turned the crushing powers of a claustrophobic tunnel beneath the ground into music.Read the review

Sociopath - In the Name of Marquis De Sade


Yep, you read it right; this is a Depressive Black Metal band from Turkey! To my sorrow, I had never actually heard of Suicidal formation from this country until this CD found its way to me for reviewing. Drawn out in a mournful fashion, Sociopath is a wonderfully passionate expedition of gloomy tears. The term "Depressive Black" has been thrown around to describe the band's style, a term that sticks perfectly with the theme here and where the band takes their auditor. Read the review

Shining - VI-Klagopsalmer


"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives." A-Sachs.

Before starting, I would like to offer the above slogan to Klagopsalmer, the latest incarnation of the unforgiving Depressive Black metal style largely propagated by Kvarforth’s famous band.Read the review

Destroyer 666 - Defiance


Destruction, more than just about any other term, lends itself to some very eccentric and unique sounding bands. Some may even call them “blasphemous”. Perhaps no formation was better poster children for the chaos than Destroyer 666. From one release to the next, they have managed to showcase talent, dynamism, intelligence and progress in their song crafting and their last masterpiece Defiance enrich their musical barbarism, showing off these Australian guys as fiends who had not lost a step in spite of their self-imposed sabbatical.Read the rest

Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries


It’s time to talk about some nasty bands and KATALEPSY is one of the cannibalistic Russian bands taking a great part in the Russian Underground Death Metal (RUDM).Read the review

Fäulnis - Gehirn zwischen Wahn und Sinn


Hostile, Horrible and hateful, no alliteration intended, it's just the emotional response this album invokes. Carrying the Black Metal torch with fervour, Fäulnis have set the bar almost immeasurably high. Definitely difficult to compare to any other BM band, their first release Gehirn zwischen Wahn und Sinn, [Brain between mania and sense] can best be described as just a transparent way where you float much more away, without any sight.Read the review

Urfaust - Einsiedler


If I had to pick a band for "Best Really original formation of this century," this diabolic duo would be the one, hands down. Religious, Orchestral, Raw, Ambient Black Doom Metal, they've done it again! Urfaust are, simply a universe of blind Instincts, orgasmic and Dionysian dizziness and this Ep, with the tracks IX - Der Einsiedler and Verderber, prove it!Read the review

Tovarish - Da Tovarish (Promo)


I'd like to start this review with a quotation:

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."- Joseph Stalin

It seems now confirmed that 2009 will be a warlike year. After the Gaza’s holocaust, Iraq’s violence and Afghanistan’s bombardments we have to say "Welcome" to another war guided by Tovarish against the traditional and commercial Metal.Read the review

Marks of the Masochist - Fevered Screams of Delirium


"In time every moment is conditioned by the previous one. Here the ground or reason of being, as the law of succession, is so simple because time has only one dimension; consequently in it there cannot be any diversity or multiplicity of relations."
This saying of the great Schopenhauer can summarize not only the situation of everyday life but also the actual Black Metal scene which start to suffer from such monotony as well as boringness and the first realization of Marks of The Masochist Fevered Screams of Delirium could be a perfect witness.Read the review