In the interest of reanimating the board..


Oct 15, 2001

1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)

2. For whom the bell tolls?

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?

4. Who is the cats pajama's?

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice
Spawn or Terry
Vanilla Ice or Terry
Baby John Burgess or Terry
Dio or Alf Stewart

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry
Brian or Xena

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?

10. Do you like the french?

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?

13. Terry?

14. :Spam: ?
1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)
2. For whom the bell tolls?
The green man in the crossing lights.
3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?
Depends on the point
4. Who is the cats pajama's?
5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?
Embarrassing my husband in public or playing practical jokes on him.
6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?
Iraq I could hide.
7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice Latham
Spawn or Terry Spawn
Vanilla Ice or Terry Vanilla Ice
Baby John Burgess or Terry Baby John
Dio or Alf Stewart Alf

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry Terry
Brian or Xena Brian

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?
10. Do you like the french?
Their alright
11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?
12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?
13. Terry?
Is a wanker

14. :Spam: ?

1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures) A lot

2. For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee, Kocihi-boy

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point? Yes

4. Who is the cats pajama's? Well it certainly isn't Terry

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had? When I went on TV naked once

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq? Iraq

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham
Vanilla Ice
Baby John Burgess

8. Who is gayer:
Brian, no! wait..!

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba? Hmmm... That's a hard one. France has nice wine, and Cuba has great cigars...

10. Do you like the french? The French what?

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet? Nope.

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry? Hate is such a strong word. About a 7. :)

13. Terry?

14. :Spam: ?

1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)


2. For whom the bell tolls?

Do you mean "for whom does the bell toll"? - either way I have no idea. But my way at least forms a grammatically correct question.

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?

Quoth Dio: "most unlikely"

4. Who is the cats pajama's?

misplaced apostrophe

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?

I'm not sure. Probably rehearsing with Titanium (on a good day), or a concert, or something with the ex?

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?


7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice - I don't think it's possible to be less cool than Vanilla Ice.
Spawn or Terry - Spawn
Vanilla Ice or Terry - Vanilla Ice
Baby John Burgess or Terry - Baby John
Dio or Alf Stewart - DIO :headbang:

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry
Brian or Xena

Julian Cleary.

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?

I don't think I've got anything against Cuba... but lately my hatred of the French has been replaced...

10. Do you like the french?

Never used to... but I've started to since they opposed the yanks last year. Good on 'em.

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?

No. What is it?

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?

I don't hate Terry.

13. Terry?

Terry who posts here, or my dad Terry?

14. :Spam: ?
Real spiced ham
1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)

197 kilos.

2. For whom the bell tolls?

An angel getting its wings.

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?

I cant imagine what that point could be, other than that I have a pale white ass.

4. Who is the cats pajama's?


5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?

Cant remember off hand, I played Megadrive games with a friend for 27 hours straight once when I was about 14, it was really good.

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?

Afghanistan, as Rambo might come back.

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice Latham I suppose
Spawn or Terry Spawn, he has cooler comics
Vanilla Ice or Terry Vanilla Ice
Baby John Burgess or Terry Baby John
Dio or Alf Stewart Dio. No contest.

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry Julian, unless he is just putting it on.
Brian or Xena Well, technically the correct answer is Xena.

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?


10. Do you like the french?

Not really, they probably couldnt even win a civil war.

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?


12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?

I dont know how to answer this. He is like a 5 year old, I cant hate a 5 year old. For now anyway.

13. Terry?


14. :Spam: ?

1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)

Not much. Atoms are pretty light.

2. For whom the bell tolls?

nah nah nah naaaah, nah nah nah nah nah, BADUM BADUM BAAA

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?

Yes, in the comfort of my own home.

4. Who is the cats pajama's?

Do cats wear pajamas? I don't think they'd like wearing clothes. Maybe boots.

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?

Doing something fun.

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?

I wouldn't call that living. Unless I was in a gilded castle.

7.who is cooler:
Vanilla Ice
Alf Stewart

Wait. What was the question? I think I got it wrong.

8. Who is gayer:

I'm pretty confident I read this one right.

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?

Cuba. Don't know why. Maybe the French.

10. Do you like the french?

They make good mustard.

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?


12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?

9. He redeemed himself a little yesterday by recommending the Dropkick Murphys

13. Terry?

He's not here right now.

14. :Spam: ?

No thanks, I just ate.
1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)

204, or 205 if you're rounding it up.

2. For whom the bell tolls?

Time marches on.

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?

Probably not.

4. Who is the cats pajama's?

Not Terry.

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?

Going skydiving, jetboating and white water rafting in the same day. Miraculously I didn't get killed.

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?

Afghanistan, less Americans.

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice Mark Latham
Spawn or Terry Spawn (by default)
Vanilla Ice or Terry VANILLA ICE
Baby John Burgess or Terry Burgo
Dio or Alf Stewart Alf Stewart

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry TERRY
Brian or Xena Xena

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?

Cuba, to show the Yanks how it's done.

10. Do you like the french?

Sure do, no problem with them at all.

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?

Yep, years before you ever did.

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?


13. Terry?

A little obsessed are we, Koichi? :)

14. :Spam: ?

Spammity spaaaaaaaaam, wonderful spaaaaaam.
Koich said:

1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)

2. For whom the bell tolls?

Metallica of course
3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?
What point? Hhahhah

4. Who is the cats pajama's?
Dunno who got the ducks guys

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?
This survey????

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?
Afghanistan cause they play cricket

7.who is cooler:
Vanilla Ice " Ice Ice Baby
Alf of couse you blugger

8. Who is gayer:
Julian Cleary
9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?

10. Do you like the french?

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?

13. Terry?
Who did you say

14. :Spam: ?
Koich said:

1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures) 2.04X10^2

2. For whom the bell tolls? The Spanish

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point? It'd have to be a fairly big point.

4. Who is the cats pajama's? Who cares?

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had? Feb 26th 5:36pm 2003

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq? AI'd rather not be invaded by the USA.

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice Vanilla Iec cos he has Ice ;)
Spawn or Terry Tie
Vanilla Ice or Terry Again Ice
Baby John Burgess or Terry Baby John
Dio or Alf Stewart Dio

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry Terry
Brian or Xena Terry

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba? Cuba, fallout would hit the USA

10. Do you like the french? Yeah sure, why wouldnt i?

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet? No

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry? 6. He has his moments but I can ignore him.

13. Terry? should realise just how stupid he looks.

14. :Spam: ? Nah.
1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)

2. For whom the bell tolls?
For me probably

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?
Nup haha

4. Who is the cats pajama's?

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?
Kiss, 4th April 2001. 1 metre from Paul Stanley.... just look at Spiff's sig to see how I feel about him haha

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice - Vanilla Ice
Spawn or Terry - Spawn
Vanilla Ice or Terry - Vanilla Ice
Baby John Burgess or Terry - John Burgess
Dio or Alf Stewart - Alf! But where's Julian Crane?

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry
Danny Cecati or Terry
Julian Cleary or Terry
Brian or Xena

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?

10. Do you like the french?
I like French chicks with those sexy accents

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?
1. I don't hate him. I just think he is a drongo.

13. Terry?
Yeah serve me up a slice of that sexual predator.

14. :Spam: ?
No thanks, a big serve of Terry is my dinner.
1.What is the atomic weight of Thallium?(rounded to three significant figures)
0.0000000000000000000155 grammes

2. For whom the bell tolls?

3. Would you go naked on TV to prove a point?
depends on the point

4. Who is the cats pajama's?

5. What is the most fun moment you have ever had?
When my LJ torana burst into life after I'd rebuilt the motor, put on a Yella Terra head, triple carbs, EH S4 cam, and extractors......I didn't think it would start, but a few squirts of metho down the centre carb, and we had life.

6. Where would you prefer to live Afghanistan or Iraq?

7.who is cooler:
Mark Latham or Vanilla Ice dunno
Spawn or Terry dunno
Vanilla Ice or Terry dunno
Baby John Burgess or Terry dunno
Dio or Alf Stewart dunno

8. Who is gayer:
Sebastion Bach or Terry dunno
Danny Cecati or Terry dunno
Julian Cleary or Terry dunno
Brian or Xena dunno

9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?
Dunno, who invented "bomb alaska" ?
They are sort of a pavlova with icecream inside them, and are too sweet to be considered desert.

10. Do you like the french?
They were a significant influence in Cajun they're alright.

11. Have you listened to Carnival In Coal yet?
I work at a power station.......oh you meant a

12. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate Terry?
Not very much. I try not to hate people.

13. Terry?
14. :Spam: ?
It's not a bad product, and can be pan fried, similar to devon (not Townsend)
Shannow said:
9. Which country would you rather bomb, France or Cuba?
Dunno, who invented "bomb alaska" ?
They are sort of a pavlova with icecream inside them, and are too sweet to be considered desert.

It's actually spelt Bombe' Alaska.