In the mood for some speed metal?

At first I thought I'd never heard of them. But then I saw the "girl" with the balloon tits and I thought: "I know these guys". :lol:

She reminds me of those doctored models with the fake boobs.
Me speaks with a silly high voice: "Look how atractive I am with my overblown tits".

Like a good friend of mine once said: "Everything over a handfull is waisted! :p

What?... O yea, I like the band, I mean their music... or sumpthing. :err:

Good to see you again Psycho. Were have you been??
Psycho I was about to post a M.I.A alert for you too, did you survived new year start?

Cool to see you and like mom said, Solitaire sounds good because 'I'll Never Grow Up' :D

Thanks for the link
I bought Extremely Flammible about three months ago, one of my best picks of '04. For those of you into Exciter or just thrash metal in general, you'll dig this band.

Their title track on this CD just fucking slays, faster than fast, and killer soloing, IMO.